From Australia very difficult life in the truth always fighting for the young ones as they had it very tough in the italian cong and I being a ms was always repramanded for it. been in the truth for over 30 years together with my sibblings and mother. Mum passed away last year with parkinsons desease. She wanted her family to look after her but no one of my sibblings wanted too as they all needed the time for field service and other orgs time for their own mother. Dad is not a jw's and hates them with a passion as he thinks that the're only objective in life is to make money and ruin other peoples lives andd this came to fruition when mum got sick and his own jw's daughters wouldn't look after her in fact they were arguing every day about placing her and him in a home, so I decided to look after them both together with my wife and kids. I had to sleep away from my family for over a year in a tiny room the size of a laundry and would see my family every now and then. after a while my wife decided to stay with me and one year turned to 3 and half . My sisters were adamant to place mum and dad in a home because they diddn't want the burden and the time was taken from their beloved meetings and other spiritual activities so they tried everything. They had power of attorney over my parents without my knowledge nor mums or dads they forged signutures, so I revoked their POA and they took me to court to revoke mine, they won and placed both mum and dad in a home, this action broke mums heart and she passed away soon after and dad is still in a home as I cant do much to revoke their POA again as I don't have much money left. I shall never forgive their actions as I think this destroyed our relationship with many members of my family and killed mum and soon dad also.
out but not out
by focariedu21 16 Replies latest jw friends
Hi and welcome. Thats a sad story to hear. At least you have the knowledge that you did your very best for your mum while you could.
Loz x
Welcome focariedu21
What an awful and sad story, so very sad indeed.
I agree with what Lozhasleft wrote: "At least you have the knowledge that you did your very best for your mum while you could."
We're in limbo at the moment as my kids don't know where to turn to. The're both fantastic kids and trying to adjust to the outside world, family have all given up on us and not associating with us at all as they think we are not of their fold any longer.I ve given my entire life to the society on construction sites in Australia and papua new guinea with no appreciation what's so ever. I've seen first hand in PNG what the society is really like not giving food to the indegeneous people there in the societies own compound dis-allowing me from feeding these poor innocent souls as we ate food on the table whilst they looked at each other licking their lips and wondering why...I was so disgusted I went into one of the societies container full of food and prepared 40 large pizzas for them. The brothers were outraged by it but i told them all where to go and headed back home. Shall never forget the experience
Welcome Focariedu21 and thank you for your story. I have heard many interesting experiences from PNG, as I lived on Thursday Island for 6 months, and then did time in Sydney Bethel.
I'm sorry for your pain, and for the loss of your mother.
It was a good and loving thing you did, taking care of her and your dad for as long as you could. And a beautiful thing you did to feed the hungry as well, and you showed strength and courage by standing up to those who would tear you down for doing something that our lord asked us to do.
I can already see that you have strength. May you be granted peace,
You Guys are the best...thanks and so many stories to tell. I've written a short story for a short film and shooting will commence in a couple of weeks hopefully many JW'S shall be intrigued by it. It's titled 'Life is red' about the senseless belief of abstaining from blood and allowing your own to die.
I've written a short story for a short film and shooting will commence in a couple of weeks hopefully many JW'S shall be intrigued by it. It's titled 'Life is red' about the senseless belief of abstaining from blood and allowing your own to die.
I really look forward to it focariedu21.
3Mozzies [from Melbourne]
Focariedu21 welcome,
I love 'stand up' gutsy people!! Good for you!
So sorry about your folks. I guess your siblings think they are 'true' christians, rather peddle magazines than care for their parents!
Take care of yourself & family and let us know how it's going will you.
sure will clarity never thought there was an army of people whom were very much like minded and thoughtful as you and the rest....