What's up with all these Gloom & Doom threads?

by whereami 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    The forum has recently been peppered with all these end of world, gloom & doom threads. What gives?

    Some people all the sudden know exactly what's going on and it's meaning and what's going to happen next.

    Why do people love these conspiracy theories soo much? Have we not learned?

    Why do some look forward for the end of the world? Is your life in such a mess that you feel that the only way out is the end of everyone else?

    This is getting ridiculous already. Stop this nonsense.

    Go out there and live and love people!!!!

  • ProdigalSon

    There's a big difference between gloom and doom threads and the ones that are about the end of domination by the negative ruling elite. The former are about FEAR while the latter are about LOVE.

    Jesus told us how we should react when the world goes into meltdown. While the world convulses in fear, the Wayshowers serve and assist their fellowman and shine Love and Light and stress the imminent arrival of a better world. With positive energy, human consciousness is what saves the planet, not Jesus coming to wipe out the wicked in the biggest bloodbath ever. According to Genesis, God already did that and look where it got us.

  • WTWizard

    The gloom and doom threads and theories are expected to become more common as December 21, 2012 approaches. Many predict a supernatural end to the world--which will not come. The ones predicting a supernatural end in 2011 will be humiliated when 2012 comes. I do not believe there is a supernatural end of this system coming.

    What is coming is the finale of the elite ruling system. They are not going to let go without doing all they can (including construction of compounds, forcing people to live in those compounds, blocking all escape routes, forcible snatching of all babies at birth for their cancer chips to be inserted, and total mass enslavement. They know that if they fail, mankind will finally be free--and that they get only one chance and if they fxxx up, they will never get their Agenda 21 or Agenda 21+ off the ground. They need to create mass panic, get people busy with nuisance side issues, and then provide Agenda 21 as the "solution" to the problem they created.

    Some of these things are already in place, and observable by those who are truly awake. For starters, how many QE's do we need to get hyperinflation going? We have had an inflation stimulus package in 2008--and two QE's to date. Anyone can just input "gold price" or "silver price" into your search engine to see what is going on with the dollar (and it is apparent that we are headed to a dollar that is toilet paper). They are lying to pretend it is bad weather or riots--yet, there have always been these elements. All it takes is for China to dump all their treasuries or for enough people to dump the US toilet paper dollar, and hyperinflation that will be blatantly obvious will begin.

    Other things? The sick care law that passed is riddled with burdens that cut off otherwise viable business start-ups. Look at section 9006 and see those 1099 forms you are going to need every time you sell more than $600 to a customer during a calendar year. (And all the people and businesses you will need to give your Social Security number to.) And last year, S-510 was passed at the last minute. Another bill that is hard to find all that is in it. Now, they tell us to grow our own food--due to this law, is it still going to be legal? Even if it is technically legal, do the SWAT team members assigned to raid gardens and farms know it? Are children still going to be allowed to hold bake sales under S-510 for school fundraisers without someone getting a 10 year jail sentence? Are children going to see their earned money confiscated under S-510 if they earned it by picking strawberries and they come in early July? What about mowing lawns? They are sure to be harassed by the tax code, beyond the 1099 forms they will need.

    All this is designed to prevent any means for the average citizen to escape. You might be able to escape part of it if you get silver, batteries, chargers, and ample stockpiles of food and other necessities. But, what happens if they start mandating you to see a doctor under the sick care law? Remember, this is designed to make sure no one escapes--and that, even if a few manage to come out unscathed, you won't see enough people left unharmed so they can rebel against Agenda 21 or its deluxe version. They know that, unless they cut off every possibility and almost no one sees the path out, they are going to blow their one and only chance to enslave all of us. They are also running out of time--even as I am posting this, the banks took a bath on silver options expiration to just kick the can to May options.

    I think another thing that is triggering the gloom and doom threads is the earthquakes we have been getting. And the radiation. Remember--where did that radiation come from in the first place? You don't just create radiation. It is already in the ground. A little iodine in your water isn't going to hurt you too much (the fluoride, which has been in the water more than 60 years, is more dangerous.) The radiation is less than one TSA scan. All this--and the panic could be yet another tool the Rothschilds are using to further Agenda 21. Create the problem, then use it as the solution. They "leave out" that a certain amount of oil in the water normally seeps out, that CO 2 in the air belongs there, and that radiation from the nuclear power plant is less threatening than radiation from the TSA scanners. All they need is enough people to panic, and they get us enslaved. If they wait too long, they lose their opportunity. They are running out of time. And they know it--hence, I am expecting more of "gloom and doom" threads not related to the Washtowel Slaveholdery.

  • Iamallcool

    whereami? are you referring to freydo's threads?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    "There is no fate but what we make for ourselves."

    "If a machine, a terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can, too."

    "There can always be new beginnings, even for people like us."

  • DeathSentry

    So..um isn't a Wayshower more aligned with the theory that we are originally from another planet? Just trying to confirm here...thx!

  • ProdigalSon

    Hi Death Sentry....

    Personally, I think it's very possible that many old souls here on earth lived on Mars in the very ancient past, and more recently on Atlantis. It seems that we destroyed both environments with our penchant for nuclear conflict. That's why I'm fairly certain it isn't going to happen again. US military people have been coming forward and testifying that UFO's have been disabling the Pentagon's toys for decades. There are also reports that India and Pakistans nukes have been rendered useless, and that Iran's underground missile silos have been sabotaged and it's a total mystery to them who did it.

  • cofty

    A thread that started as a well needed rebuke to conspiracy theorists has quickly become a vehicle for conspiracy theorists. They just can't help themsleves.

  • ProdigalSon

    Okay cofty, there's no organized crime in the world. Feel better?

  • freydo


    Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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