Mr. Coffee

by RayPublisher 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher

    Does anybody remember the old apostate guy they called Mr. Coffee? Back in the late 80s when I was at Brooklyn he would dress in a suit, have a book bag, and come and stand in front of the 124 bldg or sometimes over by the Towers Hotel. He'd easily put in auxillary pioneer hours. He would yell and bellow , and say "SLAAAAAAAAAAAVE!" really loudly, among other things. It would carry for blocks. He had a strong NY accent, looked to me in his early 60s at the time. It was hillarious, we would laugh and there was one Bethelite that could imitate him perfectly.He may have been mentally ill, but he sure was funny. The rumor was that he had been DFed for smoking back in the 70s and then he said well if you are going to DF for that, you should DF for drinking coffeee too.

    Here's the things I remember seeing Coffee saying/doing:

    "Are you a slave of God? Or a slave of the Watchtow-ahh?"

    "Jimmy Swaggert Religion!"

    "Michael Jackson Religion!"

    "Suck-ahh...Dope...Slave!" (As you walked by, pointing his finger right in your face.)

    If a sister was wearing red he would say "The Devil wears red!"

    Onetime a businessman was walking by and he thought it was a Bethelite and pointed his finger in the guy's face and started doing the "Sucker Dope Slave" spiel and the man hauled off and punched him and coffee hit the sidewalk hard. A couple of Bethel boys actually picked him up and helped him. (I only heard this one at the table, didn't see it)

    One time two waiters went by and he yelled "You kill your brothers you feed them coffee!". Then he added to the one that was of Asian descent, "What's for supper tonight? Chop Suey???"

    Two guys from the moving crew were carrying a couch from the office buildings down the hill and he said "Brothers...Jesus said your load would be light...yet you are toiled down..."

    If it was cold and he saw you coming, he would look the other way and say "Boy it's cold outside..." and then right when you passed him he'd get in your face and add "But not where you're going!!"

  • exwhyzee

    Yes, I remember Mr. Coffee. He kinda reminded me of Danny Devito. One day as we were all filing into the 124 building for lunch, he was out there as usual shouting his face off. This time a neighborhood lady was walking by with a little ankle biter type dog on a leash. All of his shouting must have startled the dog because he started barking and biting at Mr.Coffee's heels. Much to the delight of the crowd of Bethelites on the sidewalk, Mr. Coffee hopped around trying not to get bitten.

    If you listened to him closely you realized that he was using phrases that individually made sense but none of them tied together into any kind of specific point other than he was really mad at the Watchtower. The rumor I heard was that he was thrown out because of something that happened between he and sister Knorr (pffft...of course ) his advances toward her were spurned etc and he got the boot.

    Where else would you see such a sight like that other than at a JW Assembly. I don't think any other religion provokes such reactions from it's former members.

  • RayPublisher

    Thanks for the tidbit exwhyzee. I was wondering how long he was there doing that- into the 90s even? Geez that's a lot of anger...

  • wantingtruth

    what little is this world

    I have heard about him / in the ninties I was in Israel for work and there a nice "american" (Jw)family studied with me

    I subtly asked about persons who left the org. and they told to me about "Mr. Coffee"

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    He did have a partner for a bit which I heard was referred to as Coffee Mate

  • RayPublisher

    And the WT truck that bumped into him was called "The Coffee Creamer". I heard he sued them for some $$$ over that one.

  • SadElder

    How I remember him. I had been at Brooklyn working on an extended special project. Mr Coffee used to look in the window in the AM to see what was for breakfast and then include that in his morning comments. He really went wild when Freddy and some of the other older ones walked by. He picked others out for special "consideration". Got me a few times with - "Another new suit this one has- $14 a month - Hah!" Little did he know he was right.

    There was another poor fellow that used to mock Coffee. I think they called him Coffee Mate. He was basically a harmless mentally disturbed street person.

    I still have a tape of Coffee's yelling somewhere.

    I don't post here often. Thanks for the funny memories.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Mr. Coffee, and later, his unwelcome sidekick, CoffeeMate were highlights of several parent-financed Bethel recruiting trips. I enjoyed the trips but never signed up.

    "You get up in the morning. You get your shot of coffee! You go to work. You come back for lunch. You get another shot of coffee! SLAVES!!"

    Thanks for that bizarre trip down memory lane.


  • clarity

    SadElder, hello

    "I don't post here often. Thanks for the funny memories."

    I wish you would! Your experiences are needed on here.

  • finallysomepride

    Great story

    I would like to hear more of these sort stories, downunder we hardly heard anything like this.


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