To my fellow atheists:

by NomadSoul 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NomadSoul

    Just curious to know the steps that brought you to become an atheist. Just wanted to shared mine in a nutshell:

    1. Learned that evolution had credibility. Still thought that Jehovah was the one that jump started evolution. Which by the way was a bad idea to share that in the book study. I was given a free pass because I was "inexperienced and young". Still didn't change my position.

    2. Read about different philosophies and learned that the Bible wasn't the only book that contained wisdom. Started to annoy me when the publications and speeches critized "worldly" wisdom.

    3. The more I read the Bible the less I viewed Jehovah as an almighty god. I started to reject the image of the God of the Bible. I still believed in a creator that sparked evolution.

    4. The more I got into Physics and Astronomy the more I doubted the existence of a higher being.

    So now I just live my life and learn about it as much as possible. I still respect other beliefs and like sharing mine if asked.

    So how did you come about to atheism?

  • cofty

    Thanks for sharing your journey Nomad. Mine was something like the following..

    1] Born-in JW (33 years)

    2] Evangelical bible believing christian (9years)

    3] Doubts about god following experience of tragedy and Asian Tsunami and church's pathetic response

    4] Investigated "open theology" and "process theology"

    5] Stopped attending church to allow time and space to investigate objectively

    6] Read lots of science and discovered evolution was beyond doubt

    7] Briefly held on to theisitc evolution

    8] Continued to investigate subject of theodicy and concluded that atheism was only satisfying answer - The world looks exactly as it would if there was no god.

    9] 5 years on still get invitations to church business meetings to vote on all sorts of trivia - bless them

  • bohm

    brought up by parents who didnt believe and never doubted evolution. at one point i called myself an agnostic, my girlfriend handed me a bible, i read a few chapters and laughed my ass of and realized i was an atheist.

  • ziddina


    You poor thing... You had to ask this question and now you're going to hear my boring story, all over again...

    My parents joined the JWs when I was 5 years old. Coincidentally - and fortunately - I developed a fascination with rocks at the same time.

    By the age of 7 - 8, I'd progressed to an obsession with volcanoes. Read everything about volcanoes that I could get my hands on.


    When the brother read Exodus 19: 16-19 from the podium, I became very excited and whispered LOUDLY to my mother, "That's a volcano!! THAT'S a VOLCANO!!!"

    In that instant, I realized that the bible COULDN'T be "divinely inspired"; it must have been written by ignorant men, who had NO CLUE as to what a volcano really was!! Once I was alerted to THAT biblical tale of a volcanic eruption, I kept my eyes open and found that many "miracles" and visions within the bible - old and new testament - are actually based upon the effects of volcanic phenomena upon ignorant, superstitious, primitive and nomadic desert-dwellers and peons under Imperial Rome...

    I continued in the religion until I was an adult, unfortunately, due to the beatings and bullying that I was pummelled with, at home. However, once I realized that they couldn't hit me anymore [and other factors figured in...], I left. DA'd and eventually cut off all contact with JW parents, sibling, former friends, and so on...

    And good riddance!!


  • MeanMrMustard

    @Nomad Soul:

    Learned that evolution had credibility. Still thought that Jehovah was the one that jump started evolution. Which by the way was a bad idea to share that in the book study.

    LOL! Yes! I would have loved to see that...

    I remember when going through the Creation book, we had a really old guy read the paragraphs every now and again (it was his turn and his home). He would ALWAYS screw up the word "organism" and pronouce it as "orgasm"... His wife, equally old, would catch his mistake and elbow him. No effect, the old brother just thought his wife was being a nag, as he plowed through a few more "orgasms"...


  • NomadSoul

    Wow Cofty! 33 fricking years! And you are right when one starts looking at the world withouth superstitions the wourld looks exactly as it is.

    Bohm, wish my parents would've been liked that. That would have probably bought me more years of clarity, lol.

    Mustard, I almost thought they were going to stop the whole bible study there! I gotta say that the elder handled it more calmly than my parents did. That story about the old man reminds me about reading at the book study! One time I was the only qualifying brother at the book study to read, and I read as slow as I could possibly could. I got on everybody's nerve and I never got to read after that. LOL

  • jam

    Not A atheist A 100%, but getting close. After I was DF

    I felt their was something wrong with me, not able to live

    up to Jehovah standers or the WT standers. So I dove into

    the Bible to become spiritually strong. Big mistake. First

    I begain my research without the help of thw WT publication,

    after the wall fell I study the Bible in comparison with known

    history, that wall continue to crack until it just fell apart.

    True history and the Bible in comparison, flying raindeers

    and A man walking on the moon.

  • ziddina

    Sheesh, Nomad Soul...

    What am I, chopped liver???

  • NomadSoul

    No, I just thought your post deserved a whole totally different post. lol I read yours the first time around but when I came back and replied I forgot to reply to yours, I'm multitasking here at work just don't tell my boss.

    So what kind of response did you get after that volcano outburst? I know I paid for it by staying afterwards talking with the Elder of the warnings that school has when it comes to teaching evolution and how those evil scientists are against god and will make up evidence....

  • cofty
    What am I, chopped liver???

    Who said that?

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