I recently had a JW "friend" (the last non-relative one that has any contact with me at all - and it is only electronic) post a typically cultish statement as a comment on my FB page. There is no good way to respond without going all logical apostate on him. I know the Dubism is idiotic enough on its own to discredit itself and him, but I am still fighting the urge to respond and clearly show how ridiculous the statement was. If I do, the relationship will be over. Why is it so hard to just keep quiet and let them hang themselves? Part of the reason for me is that he thinks it was clever and that he scored some sort of debate point with his retarded comment, the smug dope. Anyone else find themselves in a similar spot? You don't really want to respond but at the same time you do?
Hard to NOT have the last word - let them hang themselves
by Mad Sweeney 18 Replies latest jw friends
Mr. Falcon
Sweeney, all the time. ALL the time. Usually my mother or some other ultra-conservative JW relative will spout something that makes me sick to my stomach. But it's not the ignorance that they spout that is unsettling, it's the determination to defend that belief no matter what; to refuse to even listen to a single shred of credible evidence that I find so alarming. The WT Society does an excellent job of installing defense mechanisms in the minds of their drones.
I would just simply ignore this comment. Remove it from your FB wall, even. I am embarressed when I look back on how smug and confident I was in every little statement the WTBS made. NOBODY was going to discredit my beloved Watchtower magazine. Then I woke up and realized just how little I know about anything.
Mr Falcon said it all!!
You feel like ripping them apart with the knowledge that we all have acquired about the watchtower cult
but we know it will not get us anywhere unless you are ready to cut the ties with them.
Pams girl
Ive struggled with this too MS....and the two occasions I did give it with both barrels, I felt superior and smug for a while...kinda "ha...howdya like them apples!"....but soon it turned into a deflated feeling, and I felt sorry that ID LET THEM WIND ME UP TO THE POINT WHERE I LOST A SENSE OF CONTROL....
I do tend to bang on that we allow others to push our buttons IF WE LET THEM........I guess you need to be yourself and deal with the fallout, or not. Your call. Maybe blocking them from your friends list may be the way to go this time?
Peace to you, Paula
no kidding , did you ever go to sunday meeting and listen to the evils of masturbation for an hour ? OMG what a good time that was . to me I can never be their freind anyway so wouldn't hold back since they really pulled some retarded sh$t on me in my association with the jho's
You should update your status to something like, "Yeah, my 401K is doing great!" lol
get it? get it? lol I crack myself up.
Lunatic Faith
The WT Society does an excellent job of installing defense mechanisms in the minds of their drones.
This is an observation that has been going through my mind relentlessly. I am in awe that people can accomplish this kind of mind control without taking some sort of a fascist class.
Mr. Falcon
hahaha Nomad.
Few things in life are as pathetic as when JWs use Facebook to try to make declarations of their nut-job "faith". I remember looking at this one guy's status updates (he was a FB friend of someone else).
his posts were so damn corny.
"Well, just got in from a great morning of field service! I'm off to mow the lawn at the Kingdom Hall!"
"Wow, had a demonstration at the Circuit Assembly! What a blessing from Jah!"
"Pizza party for the kids at the hall and then off to a quick-build project!"
And after every post all his corny JW friends would be all clicking "like" and commenting about "spiritual blessings yada yada". Look, pal, if the earth will one day be filled with such people, then count Mr. Falcon OUT.
Good mornin' Mad,
I had a conversation with an Elder about blood, I was gettin' the upper hand
because I had in my hand to pieces of literature that contradicted each other
well this is what he threw at me, and scince I had never donated blood it left
me speechless and he made his exit before I could rebound. He stated:
" If the red cross can take two litres of blood and you not die, why do you need
that same two litres in the hospital ? "
After he left I went online and found out he didn't know shit. The red cross only take a pint
if they took two litres they would be endangering you life.
Mr. Falcon
wasblind - I would have explained to him that the Red Cross takes small amounts of blood from multiple volunteers (of same blood group) that way when Mr. Falcon's drug deal goes bad and he get shot 47 times and loses 3 litres of blood, they might be able to save him by replacing the blood from the blood BANK.
Lucky for him, Sonny always kept his Advanced Medical Directive on him.