Yknot, where are you?

by Nebeska Nada 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dold Agenda
    Dold Agenda

    No new status of how Yknot is doing?

  • wannabefree

    Something just isn't right about this.

    Yknot was such a spitfire and so very active here.

    She was often one of the first to be right there to offer encouragement to newcomers.

    I am concerned about her.

    Where is she? What is wrong?

  • Gayle

    She was the one that was able to get all the new updates, including scans (WT secrets) to us for awhile.

  • mrsjones5

    She is missed. I hope she's ok.

  • Gayle

    I agree, wannabe, my gut is turning on this.

    This is now making me think since we have a circumstance of conversations and have such an appreciation of so many contactors. Some/many/most move on, which is good and fine. They have no responsibility to us, of course. But some come in with so much heart & soul as 'Ynot',,really bring in so much information and support.

    When, there seems to be a dramatic 'drop,' then we can't help but wonder. I know some post that they are moving on or 'for now,' some re-post now & again which is nice. Some can't become public or divulge their real name at all. So understandable. Also, just because of "Internet" being so public anyway, there are caution concerns to all.

    I left the organization so long ago and now have no strings to that organization (only very distance relatives). Thus, can use my name. But, I remember my very 'silent' years. I absolutely respect and understand anononimity needs.

    I can only hope for all here some day to have their total freedom.

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