Why did you have to use anyone elses' comments besides Rick? If he was the one you had the problem with?
You don't know those people who go on that call. Some are brand new out of the WT and are depressed and going thru very tough times. They are there for support. One of the people whose comments you used is brand new out of the WT and has a jc coming up. She needed support from other ex jws. It was her first time on the call, and you used her comments to try to make her look like a fool.
Don't you guys realize that by your little juvenile antics, you are affecting real people and their lives? And these are people who have been through enough trauma. Isn't that what is unethical and immoral?
How are you any better than the WT? You have a problem with Ricks comments so you bash the entire group on the conference calls saying what we are "one who flew over the cukoos nest followers". Sounds like the WT and they way they deal with "all Christendom" or all "worldy" people.