I studied Political Science in college many years ago.
Perhaps that is the problem ---
by Justitia Themis 32 Replies latest jw friends
I studied Political Science in college many years ago.
Perhaps that is the problem ---
Perhaps that is the problem ---
I think it might be. My brother's girlfriend is a poli sci major and the university indoctrination camps have made her a huge lib/prog. I've spent the past 6 months detoxifying her. Plus since the Obama economy has her unemployed, she is being mugged by reality. She is slowly starting to see the light.
The overwhelming majority of Liberals/Progressives to you, are centrist as the overwhelming majority of GOP members are centrist. The problem, if any, is the lack of difference between the two. Voters have consistently put both parties in power. Obama is a centirst. Liberals are very disappointed. He is not the crazy radical that the Tea Party tries, unscuccessfully, to pain him. There are news outlets in this country that are not FOX News. And look where Rupert is today, testifying before Parliament.
PBS, ABC, CBS, NBX may be bland but they are centrist. Objective facts do exist. Studies show the far right squaks like crazy but when asked objective facts only knows squawk.
But, please run, it makes Obama's success assured. Some of his faults will be become assets when paired against Palin or Bachmann. His cerebral nature will seem to be messianic compared to Palin's ignorance.
I must say I respect Ron Paul's ideas and his posture delivering them. Palin and Bachmann are sewer rats, stirring up hate. I sincerely believe Paul believes in what he states, whereas the dynamic duo will say anything conceivable to stir up their base. And make plenty of money.