OK I hate these labels. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental illness. My mother most definitely suffers froim it. Few Witnesses suffer from it. There are precursors to thise mental illness that few JWs have ever experienced and they must go back to a time when the person about 2 years old and involves parental and especially maternal abandonment. This does apply to my mother.
Being self-righteous is not narcissism. Believing you are better than anyone else and that your way of life is better than anyone else's is called ethnocentricity. Not a mental disorder. It is:
1. Sociology . the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture . 2. a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ethnocentrism
This applies to most social groups whether they realize it or not. Ethnocenticity is at the root of most prejudice is. Are JWs prejudiced? Most definitely. If you aren't one of them then you are agaisnt them until you becoem one of them. Add to that I think most JWs suffer from very low self-esteem. They are taught they are never good enough and have to keep doing more, more, more. The contstant reminders to do more only fuel their extreme lack of self-esteem. And this is a religion that is based on works so the only way to becoem good enough it to do more. And they will do more even when it makes them sick and they hate it becasue they believe that it is the only way to be good enough to survive Armageddon