I started this thread because some people are telling lies in another thread about the tea party.
I am one of the volunteers that helps arrange and put on tea party rallies in southern Mississippi.
We do not have a membership roll.
We are not a political party.
We have one basic issue that we are addressing, which is: We want federal spending to be lower than federal revenues. We do not say how this is to be achieved.
Some liars on this site are claiming that the tea parties are actively pushing to achieve the balanced budget by cutting only liberal policies. I'm not sure what this means exactly, but this is an out and out lie.
Currently, the United States has federal income of 2.173 trillion dollars and outlays of 3.818 trillion dollars resulting in a yearly deficit of 1.645 trillion dollars. This is not sustainable.
The only policy that we care about right now is to balance the federal budget. That means getting spending to below 2.173 trillion dollars. Interestingly, Clinton's 2001 budget called for spending of 1.9 trillion dollars. So, from Clinton's 2001 budget of 1.9 trillion dollars to Obama's 2011 budget of 3.818 trillion dollars, ten years, we see an increase of 1.918 trillion dollars, or 100%. And before you flame me claiming that 2001 was Bush's budget, it was not, Clinton prepared that budget, Bush assumed office on January 20, 2001, the budget was prepared by Clinton prior to that.
We don't care how this balancing of the budget is achieved. Some people say that is is all Bush's fault. I hated Bush, so I don't care if it is his fault, he is not around to fix it. Others claim that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are the source of the 1.918 trillion dollars in spending deficit. I would be just fine with closing down those wars and telling the Afghanis and the Iraqis that we hope everything works out for them in their future endeavors. But the cost of those two wars nowhere near equals 1.918 trillion dollars.
If you post any claims in here please post evidence to back up those claims. I have no interest in unsupported innuendo.
There are other people on this forum who keep posting that the Koch brothers call all the shots in the tea party. Really? I never heard of them before the liberals started talking that nonsense. No one dictates anything to the tea party in Mississippi. Anyone who wants to speak at our rallies is told to stay on topic, "reduce the federal spending budget and get rid of the deficit". We pay no one to speak at our rallies. We take direction from no one.