by snowbird 53 Replies latest jw friends
Honey, you might try drinking chamomile or [real!!] mint herbal tea...
Both are pretty good for stomach troubles...
Hope you get better soon...
Hugs!! Zid
You only need reflora-dation if you wipe out your old flora w stuff like antibiotics, tea tree oil or oregano oil. The blend of flora that you have is more dependent on what you eat, than anything else. Eat a lot of junk, you'll have junk flora. Probiotics are only to restart, and those specific ones won't last long on a bad diet.
'On Good Morning America they had a segment that found that cussin' eases pain, but I been knew that'
Yah, it's been scientifically proven. It follows that those who carry psychological pain could swear, as it helps that kind of pain, too.
Forward this to 2:38 for the best cussin' ever done on the face of this earth. The whole cartoon is just funny and cute. Laughter is the best medicene.
When you're a true southern lady, you are ladylike and mannerly most of the time. So when you do cuss, people are both shocked and they get a kick out of you. I have this happen here and there. Guys especially get a kick out of it. But your tummy hurts and you got big reasons to cuss. So cuss away, darlin', Sylvia.
nancy drew
now that I'm older and I've had my share of health scares and pain issues I,ve discovered that mostly you get better after a while you think omg am I going to die or be sick like this for the rest of my life and than for some reason you get better until the next time.
so more than likely this will past by after you've had your share of pain and suffering. So yea #**#+##@**!
compound complex
Jebediah Royal Bottoms paid no heed to the cares or needs of others. He was, after all, the pernicious issue of Horace Ray Bottoms. The goodness and sweetness of Jeb's saintly mother, Flora Belle, appeared in no wise to have passed on to her son, either through nature or nurture.
Jinx, that old but still reliable mutt of Master Jeb, was out of a summer's morn, taking the boy for a walk. It was hoped, so Jinx mused, that somewhere in the slow unfolding of the sultry day - all is slow in the course of a day in the South (even Ole Sol's traversing his celestial arc) - that some small miracle would materialize and render Jebediah a better human being. Jaw's country cousin lamented that his good example of gentlemanly manners and beneficent interest in all creatures great and small had no seeming educational effect on the slow and nasty Scion of Bottoms.
Sitting tense and miserable under the shade of a honey locust, a piece down and off Route 11, a slip of girl was crying softly, her arms crossed in a tight hug over her middle. She loved Granny's griddle cakes, but this morning's meal did a heap more than just break the fast.
Bertie Snow was suffering a major belly ache ...