Weekly Watchtower Study, March 28 - April 3, "Empowered to Overcome Any Trial"

by possible-san 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wannabefree

    Paragraphs 16 & 17

    Jehovah miraculously answers Roxana's prayers because she lost her job for going to the convention.

    Too bad about the recent accounts of Witnesses being killed while engaged in field ministry, or the Witnesses who are unemployed, I guess their faith is not as strong as Roxana's.

    What about all of the non-witnesses with similar experiences ... answer to their prayers? of course not, just coincidence, or demonic direction, the only time a non-Witness has their prayers answered is when a JW miraculously shows up with Bible based publications for them.

  • wannabefree

    Paragraph 18

    We thrive on persecution. Embrace it.

    Are Jehovah's Witnesses the only ones persecuted for their faith? ... Well, the only ones that matter anyway.

    Jehovah's people are not surprised to
    meet up with temptation, discouragement,
    persecution, and peer pressure. Theworld is
    basically hostile toward us.

    Woe, woe, woe, are we.

  • steve2

    Or it maybe people have a life and aren't inclined to getting hooked into such torturous and repetitive expositions of predicatbly written Watchtower articles.

  • sizemik

    Yes Possible . . . I do get angry.

    The mind-controlling feature of their WT dribble is so apparent! . . . basically, "the whole world is evil and only we, "true christians", are righteous.

    Paragraph 9 which infers "most people" are too apathetic to even "make a stand for what is right" is simply insulting, not to mention plain WRONG. It is they who have lost the ability to "make a stand for what is right"

    Thanks for your posts wannabefree . . . I enjoyed your observations.

    Luvonyall - MS

  • possible-san

    darth frosty.

    Thank you for your comment.

    IDK if you've seen Blondies comments you will not hear at WT threads.

    I know that somewhat.
    And I know that also in other forums, she has done so.

    In itself, they are worthy threads/works.
    However, I have not joined in it.

    Well, maybe, that way is not my demand.
    Therefore, in my case, I did not say my own comment.
    My desire is that people do comment freely, not that I show my own opinion.

    For instance, when the expression "Jehovah's Witnesses" is in an article, she says that Christian is "Christ's witness."
    At that time, I would reject that opinion.

    IMO, I wonder that, maybe, people want to say their own opinions freely, rather than to want to hear someone's opinion.

    Of course, when nobody expresses their opinion, I'd like to express my own opinion.
    And, at a certain time, I may fully express my own opinion.


  • possible-san

    Paragraph 11

    Imagine this situation. Suppose that
    Alex, a young brother, learned that Steve,
    his friend in the congregation, was in the
    habit of viewing pornography
    . Alex tells
    Steve that he is deeply concerned about
    what his friend is doing. However, Steve
    shrugs off his words. When Alex urges him
    to talk to the elders about it
    , Steve responds
    that if the two really are friends, then Alex
    will not tell on him. Should Alex be afraid of
    losing his friend? He might wonder whom
    the elders would believe if Steve denied
    everything. Still, the situation is not going
    to improve if Alex keeps quiet about it. Indeed,
    it could lead to Steve’s losing his relationship
    with Jehovah
    . Alex would do well
    to recall that “trembling atmen is what lays
    a snare, but he that is trusting in Jehovah
    will be protected.” (Prov. 29:25) What else
    could Alex do? He might lovingly approach
    Steve again and lay bare his fault. That will
    take courage. It may well be, though, that
    this time Steve will welcome the opportunity
    to talk about his problem. Alex should
    again encourage Steve to speak to the elders
    and tell him that if he does not do so within
    a reasonable period of time, then Alex
    will alert them
    .—Lev. 5:1.

    Well, if you read only this article, you may not notice, but the WTS has warned about "porn" frequently.

    It is written in the article last week like this. (Paragraph 9)

    When watching television or using
    the Internet, Christians may suddenly
    be tempted to view something unclean
    . Has
    that happened to you, and if so, how did
    you react?

    In another thread, I had said like this.

    "Well, of course, active JWs cannot watch them (porn).
    That is a cult which restricts males' healthy desire and makes people feel a guilty to God."

    However, in Paragraph 5, they say like this.

    Consider the example of two of our sisters
    in Malawi. In an effort to get them to
    buy political party cards, a violent mob beat,
    stripped, and threatened to rape them.

    Don't you notice the strangeness of this description?

    If your 5-year-old kid is attending that meeting, he/she will ask of you like this.
    "Daddy/Mama. What is rape?"

    Isn't the Governing Body the most indecent/lascivious?


  • Butterflyleia85

    I like wannabefree's comments.

    Anyways, Possible, I had know idea you were doing threads like these, how awesome!!

    If I known I to would have made more comments. It's hard to catch thread on here... which is probably a good thing in some case. When people want to stay confidential... and even when people don't comment I'm sure they think about what is being said here. I understand to it helps when people make their comments even short and simple helps!

    I also know publishing the paragraphs out of the article helps for the convenance and cuts time on people having to load it up on their computer. I fortunity have the extra two hours a week to dedicate my time to this... so yes Monday mornings I plan on getting on JWN and posting my new thread Catching the Manipulation in Sunday's Watchtower Article. And I will be looking forward for your post articles as well!! And will make my comments.

    Just to make the comment on the topic Empowerd to Overcome Any Trial:


    I found this Empowering when focusing on the inspiring words of wisdom.

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