Morality: Is it common sense? Instinct? Or from God?

by PublishingCult 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PublishingCult

    From where do we get morality? We know the god of the OT was very immoral. He sanctioned murder, slavery, rape, human sacrifice, and other really bad stuff we'd go to jail for today. He was jealous, vindictive, childish, greedy, needy, clingy, narcissistic, egotistical, prone to tantrums and fits of uncontrolled anger. These character traits sound extremely human to me (a very f#cked up human), and not the expressions of a supreme being whose characteristics are supposed to be the perfect balance of love, power, justice, and wisdom.

    Is it clear to anyone else that the morality practiced in the OT was fabricated and imposed by men?

    What about today? Does morality come down to common sense? Is it instinct?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I think it comes down to a mix of instict for example that murder is 'wrong' and social norms.

    some societies develop the concept of say mongamy, while another society may have the concept that women of the tribe can have sex with any male in the tribe.

    at the end of the day, most societies have a deep understood concept of right and wrong that works for them.

    the problems really start when one tries to impose its moral code on another.


  • ProdigalSon

    All the esoteric teachings say that it comes from within you. When the adepts read the Bible, they see Jehovah as something internal to themselves. When he's a jealous, insecure bad ass, he plays the role of the Adversary. He's your own egos wreaking having on your life. When he's the Almighty Divine One, he's your Godly intuition, that tells you right from wrong, how to raise your children, how to treat others. He's your morality, love and compassion.

    Various people with different ideas about God wrote the OT. There were the Elohists, Yahwists, Deuteronomists, and the Priestly Source. Some were telling the truth about God, some were trying to instill fear, others were black magicians like Ezra and his scribes, putting stuff in the Bible to support a very nefarious agenda.

  • designs

    Remember what Aristotle said about being 'good'- its simply a matter of repeat and habit.

  • NomadSoul

    I believe it's instinct. We are able to think and create complex ideas that can override instinct most of the time. But I believe that under the right circumstances complex ideas go out the window and our animal instinct kicks in. We are all capable of evil things.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    It comes from simple cause and effect, and enlightened self-interest IMO.

    If you are good to people, they will like you and be your friends. You will have the support you need, both physically and emotionally. So you are encouraged to do good to others out of your desire for social support.

    You hurt people enough and word gets out that you're a dick, then you are ostracized. Humans are social beings and ostracism is an effective punishment and deterrent.

    I think morality evolved based on this sort of enlightened self-interest, as did a lot of human behavior.

  • designs

    Were we a more moral race as hunters and gatherers or industrialists.

  • miseryloveselders

    think morality evolved based on this sort of enlightened self-interest, as did a lot of human behavior.

    I like how you put that. Heck even the Bible tends to support that when you consider how the Israelites initially applied the Mosaic Law, and how things changed when Christ put meaning into the Law with love and forgiveness being at the forefront.

    Our enviroment and upbringing plays a huge role as well. I remember reading about a prison gang member who stated that he has morals, just not your morals. Even looking at Nietzshce's thoughts an argument can be made that his thoughts on morals played a role into the rise of individuals like Hitler. Was Hitler immoral? Maybe by your standards, but to his countrymen at the time he was their Fuhrer. Ghandi is respected for his peaceful protests against British imperialism and the divisions between his people as affected in his country. However, Ghandi was also a proponent of the caste system in India.

  • Twitch

    Much discussion on the subject throughout the ages,...

  • trevor

    To me, morality is doing what is right for ourselves while taking in to account other peoples needs and feelings.

    Love your neighbour as yourself - sums it up!

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