Check this website out! Pretty pricey stuff for the JW
by Lynnie 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Yep, you can wrap a turd in beautiful Italian leather but it's still a turd.
Gee, they sure want alot for their turds don't they?
man in black
This stuff makes me shudder,,,, thinking that years ago i would be almost drooling over getting some of these items.
No Apologies
Back in the day I made some awesome laminated bookmarks with the book study schedule printed on them, I could've been selling them instead of just handing them out to everyone in the book study group!
No Apologies
You should see the gorgeous leather goods I can pick up at the local thrift stores, for PENNIES on the dollar to what one would pay retail....
I even picked up a $200 "Coach" purse for $5, because the previous owner had accidentally made a pen mark on the inside. A little white leather paint covered it right up...
Shows the benefits of throwing off Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern nomadic herdsmens' superstitions!!!
Aussie Oz
Love the childrens selection...
complete with books on Noah's ark shaped like a BOAT!
wonder how that would go down at the meeting...
I don't know who make me more sick: The people who rip off their "brothers", by selling "theocratic" items for 10 times what they're worth or the morons who buy them. I could never understand the retards with the custom-bound WT books; you might as well leather-bind an Archie comic for all the sense that makes. And the huge duffel bags of literature and ridiculously-overpriced special sleeves for service slips and tracts.
You don't see Mormons carrying around all that junk and they have at least as many bizarre and proprietary doctrines to push. Could you imagine JWs trying to preach on bicycles? They'd have to have those baby trailers to haul around all of the "Bible aids". All that luggage, supposedly to talk about one book they refuse to read.
Pams girl
Cracks me up having the calenders...why bother if Armageddon is right round the corner? Total rip off money for the bOrg scheme..shameful!
If you've got a voucher you can get a discount.
I see it a bit differently psychologically.
When you are a J dub your personal identity is stripped away from you. Your sense of self is eroded. Differentiating from your bland clone fellow
publisher is almost impossible.
So.o.o.o.o.... having a nifty PERSONALIZED bible or bookbag or even bookmark SETS YOU APART in the fold of bleetin sheep at the hall.
It is a deep seated human need being fulfilled and brings a tear to my widdle eye to see them struggling so hard to be SOMEBODY.