I think I am in the wrong place.... then why is the site called Jehovah witnesses if its just EX?? and saids its for JW.. i am confuse a little?? hmmm
New Believers, Studying.
by cupcakekourtney88 73 Replies latest jw friends
I think you're in the perfect place darlin. Don't be shy, ask questions.
Wait till you find out there's no God. lol
Perhaps finding this will turn out to be a fortunate accident for you.
Either way, good luck to you!
There is to a God...
I was baptist which I hate anyways.. Just there bc my family is.. But my mom is a JW and so is my Sis.
My sister told me I cant be on here nor have a FB.. crazy.. I know jws with Facebook.. along with my mom and the one who is doing my bible study..
still thinking
I definately think anyone studying would benefit from being here. I wish I had found this years ago. But I seem to recall being told not to look at stuff like this.......
Anony Mous
Hi Kourtney. Some of us are active witnesses here still, some are not. I'm one of the 'active' ones and pretty high up in the hierarchy but there is no way out for me without destroying my family. I advise you to be critical as to what people show you, how people treat you etc. Always ask: why are they doing so.
There are some things you really need to take a closer look at:
- Disfellowshipping/shunning - even if you're not a baptized witness yet but become well integrated into the congregation, if you ever want out people are going to treat you like dirt. If your family is included they will be encouraged to treat you the same way. This is documented doctrine.
- Blood doctrine - you will eventually be asked to take a stance on the blood doctrine. It doesn't fit medically, scientifically and even biblically be very careful what you believe especially if you have children. DO NOT ALLOW clerical visits if you get in the hospital and your view differs than the current doctrine, you may be shunned.
- Doctrine on doctrine. They claim to new people they follow the bible and Jesus. This is not true. They themselves have documented in their more advanced articles that their governing body and 'the faithful and discreet slave' are the only ones interpreting the Bible correctly and that the rest (you and the person you study with) should follow those interpretations even if they change frequently.
- Doctrine on apostacy. All deviance from official doctrine and critical speech is NOT allowed and they will claim those that are critical are 'from Satan' and 'not inspired by Holy Spirit'. If you ask right now, they will attempt to 'correct' you but if you go on you will later on be shunned if you criticize either the doctrine or the organization. This behavior is also documented in their official doctrine.
Again, they will deny a lot of what I just said initially and make an attempt at character assassination, excuses or just say you will see it 'right' later on in your studies.
Poor Kourtney...
I suspect that her eyes bulged out, got as big as saucers, and that she ran screaming from the board...
Wonder how she became interested in the Jehovah's Witnesses, in the first place? She sounds - sounded - rather young...
Whooops!! I spoke too soon... she's ba -aaaack....
Kourtney, just a suggestion...
Research - online AND in libraries - independent information on what the Jehovah's Witnesses believe.
Compare that with what the Baptists believe, and their methods of bringing disobedient members back into line with the church.
Pay close attention to the subjects of disfellowshipping, blood transfusions, womanly submission, obedience to the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" - that would be for the Jehovah's Witness aspect of your research - and especially as mentioned above by several other posters, the PUNISHMENTS that you may be subjected to BY THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES THEMSELVES, if you do not show complete obedience to the Jehovah's Witnesses in all things...
Consider your situation deeply and seriously. There are many on here who have mourned the fact that they were BAPTISED into the Jehovah's Witness religion, because once you are BAPTISED as a Jehovah's Witness, the punishments for most forms of disobedience become much, MUCH more severe...
Just a word to the [hopefully...] wise...
If your mom has been a witness for a long time, she's probably got some bound volumes or a cd-rom kicking around. Look up what they used to teach about organ transplants and what the 'generation' beginning in 1914 used to be.
Then ask someone how the kangaroos made it to Australia after the flood. Most importantly, use logic and common sense when analyzing what you're being taught.