I have been on/off this board for 7 years now and even if I have a long absence and come back it is the SAME OLD THING! There are two or three threads a day by athiests on this board attacking God, Jesus and the Bible in some way. And I agree the name calling and aggession is always against the believers, who are defending thier position. That is why I often ask the athiest "why do you really care?".
If someone wants to believe in a faith book and God that you don't believe in, what is it to YOU?
I also hardly EVER see a Christian starting a thread specifically against athiesm. IF you want to think you are smarter than I am and can think better then fine you can convince yourself of that. The fact is I am well educated and a Christian. Yes, I understand evolution and Abiogenesis and believe in it too. But niether of these prove God does not exist, no matter how hard you try to force it to do so. The simple fact is scientists do not KNOW how matter came into existance in the first place. Yes they have theories, but what is a theory? An educated guess based upon the CURRENT scientific beliefs?
Peace - and I mean this is a totally non-abnoxious, sincere way. Lilly