last appeal from my Brother A JW Elder
by jam 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
He called me last nite, he told me the time has come. The last call before
Jehovah close the door. New light from FDS, there is no doubt the end
is near. In veiw of what is happing in the East, the people turing
against the government, and the earthquakes and all we are so near.
He said one of the gov. body member receive new light from A angel.
OK, I know I have lost you now. APRIL FOOL.
Evidently Apostate
funny, i have family that sound pretty much the same, actually its not funny.
yea, what part of that is a joke? Sounds like an email from my mother.
New light from an angel is the joke. Everyone knows that's not how it works.
jean-luc picard
"Whenever it is they are saying peace and security....."
So I guess we still have a little time left
Here are the prophecys found in the word of God-- The two horned beast ( king of the south )( eagle-lion ) goes into the middle east region after the hidden gold ( oil ) then the prophecy of Egypt-Libya- Then they return and do away with babylon the great( false religion ) This is the closing of the ark door persay-the tribulation starts- 9 countries have allready done away with all religion according to cnn- And when one reads Daniel about the world powers that were, greece was a world power twice-the big horn came out of the little horn- so the horn represents the world power. Thats how its for sure that a two horned beast is the world power-two kingdoms( govts ) working together- it says one cannot buy or sell ( sanctions unless they recieve the mark of the beast.( democracy ) and its done in the sight of the 7 headed wild beast,with 10 horns ( obviously a place where kingdoms gather-the united nations-the one that was ( until the end of ww2- done away with- and lives again ) the mark on the hand signifies physical support-the mark on the head signifies mental support- the merchants stand at a distance when babylon falls and mourn because their shelves are full ( no more christmas,easter, any religious holiday in any religion ) at the very end of the trib they will be saying peace and security and then turn on Gods real people, then God steps in- but-- Satan leads every kingdom ( govt,armies, supporters) against God at Harmageddon. And for 1 single word taught to every human on earth from their youth up ( patriotism ) it will be the end for the majority of mankind- They will be standing in opposition to God. 3 inspired expressions will come and everyone who believes in that 1 word will believe them, but they will turn out to be all untruthful lies. The only group on this earth that can see it happening are the JW,s, the only group that has Jesus. No wonder God compared these last days to Noahs day-i think the numbers are the same99% of the human race died in Noahs day. They wont even see it coming-it says they will be marrying,etc,etc until that day. all because of 1 single word that the trinity religions could not see was evil-they threw away the teachings of Jesus ( out of fear of men ) in the rev war-the civil war-ww1,ww2- They killed on both sides their own brothers in Christ,they killed for a man named hitler. all except the JW,s who refused to kill their own brothers for the word patriotism, and went to prision and the concentration camps and were called cowards for standing up for the teachings of Jesus ( love,peace,unity,return evil for evil to no one,vengeance is mine said the lord ) over the word patriotism. Then those were called heroes for killing their own supposed brothers in Christ and told they got freedom from doing it- But God says--They promise you freedom, yet themselves are still slaves to corruption- this means the freedom promised from men.
WALL OF TEXT.... Also, welcome to the forum.
BTW: I have heard stories of the Governing Body recieving directions from dead Governing Body members... But that guy was crazy, anyhow.
When I see a wall of text like that I don't even bother to read it.
atcualy theres alot of christians and none christians who would not kill in wars so its not just jws at all and there were alot of soldiers who wouldnt kill so got killed by there own brows in the ranks,listen just cos jws say they never killed in the war and went to prison camps for it didnt mean no one else didnt do the same theres alot of religions who wouldnt kill in wars not just them, plus they wont kill anyone in a war but theyl kill themselfs or there familys if they needed blood,and be martyrs for god, even thoe he says lifes preciouse,if love is the greatest comandment then u dont kill for any reason and u help save people to not let em die,also theres religions out there far older than the bible and they say the same just about and i think the bible is taken from them like simmerian,also theres religions out there who beleive the end is coming and give references to a flipin nibru planet and it all sounds like the same ending the revalations gives so no one realy knows, and if it comes tomorow and we die then what can we do nothing,if god kills us just cos we didnt stay wi jws or cos we gave some one some blood so they cud live or had some and we are loving to all then hes not a very nice god is he,hes more like a dictator who wants every one to be loving but on his conditions and to kill people who are loving but cos they not a jw they gona die what aload of bull crap,as for teh arab worlds theres always been wars going on wi them and dicators falling and uprisings its nothing new, when it comes to the end if the binble comes true then itls be far worse than this far far worse it wont be just one earth quake after another like we having now itl be earth quakes all over the world in every place at same time and terrible storms and itl be soo soo bad men will faint out of fear and try and hide under flipin rocks,thsi now is nothing compared to what revalation is realy saying,its gona be soo bad that everyone will deff no its the end or be killing them selfs cos its so bad cant even live in it,