Quran burning!
by Iamallcool 13 Replies latest social current
email them at [email protected].
I emailed them and I told them they are first class idiots!
Afganis are rampaging over what happened in one church in america???!! Incroyable!!
'The church's website stated that after a five-hour trial on March 20, the Quran "was found guilty and a copy was burned inside the building." A picture on the website shows a book in flames in a small portable fire pit. The church on Friday confirmed that the Quran had been burned.
In a statement, Jones did not comment on whether the church's act had led to the deaths. Instead he said it was time to "hold Islam accountable"'
Sounds like a plan. The koran is evidently the biggest idol in the world. It's gonna take big balls to confront it. Almost makes me want to become jewish, or something;)
The Koran (Quran) is a FETISH.
The bible use to be treated the same way by Christians. We got over it somehow....
In the bookstore where I work I was approached by a "westernized" woman who was angry because we had stacked
some paper back Korans on the bottom shelf. She demanded it go on the TOP SHELF where it belonged.
I kid you not.
Define Fetish:
Inanimate object which is believed to possess, contain, or cause spiritual or magical powers; an amulet or a talisman; An irrational, or abnormal, fixation
Can I burn my NWT bible now please, Uncle Terry ?
The stupid a....holes! I would piss on a Quran right in the middle of Kabul if I'd be interested in shifting the world opinion towards a full armed conflict against the Arabian world, because I would be sure about a stupid over-reaction. We are living in a new age of Crusades, the Oil Crusades. They were provoked and they acted according to their ignorant minds, calling for another whoop-ass. Remember 1989? The Domino principle? It is happening again.
If the Ku Klux Klan was as good at PR as the Muslims are it would be illegal to smile at a black person in this country (USA). I am amazed at how they always make themselves out to be the victims. Hey people wake up! Everytime I look on Cnn.com and see something else f*cked happened guess who it is? A Muslim.
religion is goofy
If I thought it would do any good, I wouldn't mind bloodshed over the stupidity of the Islamic extremists, including my own. Their holy book should be no more protected than The Cat in the Hat. They really just need to get over themselves. If only that were possible.