Thanks for the book suggestions. I nearly finished the Africa book, and it is a brick!
There were 567 in addendance, a drop of over thirty from last year, and a significant drop since 2003 (907). There were two baptism candidates, young men, born-ins I would say. This is higher than last year, when there were none!
Brother Robert Scooty from the Canadian Bethel graced us with his presence. He was the only speaker without glasses. He cheerfully reported that the Canadian plant has switched to a double shift, from six in the morning to eleven at night. Since distribution hasn't doubled, I'd day the Canadian plant is probably taking over some of the American production.
The key message? Hard to say as I wasn't paying much attention. There are references to Japan and worldly disasters, of course, tying nicely in to the theme, "Take Refuge in Jehovah [the Kingdom Hall]". And, oh yes, stay away from Vampires (with emphasis).