“What if You Woke Up One Morning and Realized You Were Living the Wrong Life?”

by AndersonsInfo 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Barbara- Excellent thread ! Excellent article. My wife and I were just listening to a program on alternative news on the internet just dealing with this kind of discussion about mind control which limits a persons perspective giving them tunnel vision instead of opening up people's minds to looking at the BIGGER picture and escape the mind control . The title of the book we were listening about in a discussion was called " What If ? " by Eldon Taylor. People escaping mind control really need to open their minds up to the possibilities of making U-turns in their lives. I mean - Look at what all of US did ! Leaving the Witnesses and pursuing freedom of thinking is DEFINITELY making a U-turn for sure ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • BluesBrother

    "One day, after years of uncomfortable mental conflict, you can’t quite meet your eyes in the mirror. You stop. You confront the choices that have taken you slowly or rapidly off course. You defect"

    That just about says it. You know ...I think this guy understands...

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