New Disfellowshipping Policy?

by Madmen 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    What Mr. Flipper said here:

    MADMEN- Welcome to the board. The WT society is quite good as are their elders at NOT following policy exactly to the tee anyway. I have seen elders in many different congregations handle a similar matter in dozens of different ways. It depends on the elders dealing with the judicial committee matter. AND it depends on how badly they want a certain inactive person to go away if they don't like him or her. It really comes down to if they perceive you to be a threat to the local congregation.

    - is absolutely true. Any judicial matter is tainted by the politics and personal opinions of the local elders on the committee. I had a girlfriend years ago whose mother had faded and quit attending the meetings years before.

    The local body of elders disfellowshipped her in a spite of anger because she refused to come back. They used charges of gluttony and alcoholism - neither of which was true.

    That same body of elders took absolutely no action against an active MS who made homosexual advances to one of my friends - he was in his 40s, the guy I knew about 19. But the offender's dad was a well-respected and popular elder.

    It is like dealing with a grizzly bear in the north woods - he may look at you and walk away; he may chase you down and tear you to pieces. Both (the bear and the elders) are completely unpredictable.

    I pretty much forced the elders to disfellowship me in 1981 after I faded (and wrote a self-DA letter) in 1979 simply because I made an open effort of protest to help get people in an extended family group out of the organization. About 50 people left - as it turned out, only myself and Marion Dunlap (city overseer of OKC, and brother of Ed Dunlap - who is featured in Ray Franz book) were actually disfellowshipped. NONE of the other 50 were even contacted. Marion and I speculated that they simply did not want to read out 50 disfellowshippings all at once because of the bad publicity for them.

    I never was asked to attend a committee meeting...they just called me one Sunday morning (after I had been away for two years) and told I was DFd. The guy who called smugly told me "none of your friends will talk to you any more". I told them that my real friends would still talk to me and that we had nothing more to discuss.

    I viewed the DFing as a final badge of honor.

  • SouthCentral

    I know that because so many are disfellowshipped, the "word on the street is" go out and have sex, tell the elders only and it's a freebie. If no one knows, u get privately reproved.

    This has been going on for quite a while. If you admit to it more than once though,public reproff is a possibility. I know a hall where about 5 people were disfellowshipped in a 3 month period. Sex, sex and a little f+@#$ig!!


  • SouthCentral

    I was told by an elder that they were encouraged NOT to DF because so many do not come back. They have so many single women that really need d_$k, so the do it and shut hup policy is very effective.

  • trevorbv

    From the Thought Police's book.


  • Madmen

    Thanks everyone. Very helpful.

  • Iamallcool

    SouthCentral said I was told by an elder that they were encouraged NOT to DF because so many do not come back.

    When did he say that?

  • metatron

    The grizzly bear in the north woods analogy is 'spot on', as you English-types say.

    You have local - often rural - types who are fanatics in df'ing people who haven't been to a meeting for 10 years and others who avoid being on JC commitees because they don't want to be involved.

    The GB doesn't care much about consistency. Maintaining control is the objective.


  • steve2

    Hi Madmen and welcome:

    There is no new policy. Years ago the organization introduced the term "disassociating" which they said was conceptually different from disfellowshipping; that is, it described witnesses who chose to leave in contrast to those who are kicked out. Even though this is propbably a meaningful distinction, it counts for nothing in the eyes of the organization because whether you've disassociated yourself from the religion or been kicked out of it, you're treated exactly the same: Shunned.

  • factfinder

    welcome Madmen!

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