I started a new job last month- just 3 miles down the street. I am the maintenance coordinator at a 42 room assisted living community I was pretty excited to get hired as I had been trying to get a job in that field for over two years since I retired from my primary occupation in 2008. My father lived in one of these communites for a couple years before he passed away and so do my inlaws right now. However, after a couple weeks I am not so happy here. My position seems to be about 50% janitorial work, not fixing things- like shampooing the poop and pee off of carpets and other sundry personal accidents that residents with alzheimers and dementia have. Also, they want me to be on a first name basis with residents and to make them feel like they are at home. Well, one gentlemen I was getting aquainted with has early stage alzhemiers and I was friendly with him, as he was a retired electricain like me. Well, he was taken away two days ago for wanting to commit suicide, so he will be getting strong meds before he can come back. I guess he was depressed and now I am upset he is gone.
Will things get better for me or will this job continue to drag me down mentally? I'm wondering, should I consider finding new work?