What to do when a job makes you unhappy?

by moshe 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    I started a new job last month- just 3 miles down the street. I am the maintenance coordinator at a 42 room assisted living community I was pretty excited to get hired as I had been trying to get a job in that field for over two years since I retired from my primary occupation in 2008. My father lived in one of these communites for a couple years before he passed away and so do my inlaws right now. However, after a couple weeks I am not so happy here. My position seems to be about 50% janitorial work, not fixing things- like shampooing the poop and pee off of carpets and other sundry personal accidents that residents with alzheimers and dementia have. Also, they want me to be on a first name basis with residents and to make them feel like they are at home. Well, one gentlemen I was getting aquainted with has early stage alzhemiers and I was friendly with him, as he was a retired electricain like me. Well, he was taken away two days ago for wanting to commit suicide, so he will be getting strong meds before he can come back. I guess he was depressed and now I am upset he is gone.

    Will things get better for me or will this job continue to drag me down mentally? I'm wondering, should I consider finding new work?

  • Iamallcool

    One brother had to change diapers for living in the nursing home. He quit that job, He is now in Construction. That is what happens when he does not go to school to learn new trade. Yes you should find something else.

  • CoonDawg

    Yep, actively start looking. I once had a job working for a rent-to-own franchise here in the US. I freakin' HATED that job. It paid well, but I did not like what I was doing. I was a glorified bill collector and "enforcer" sent to collect the week's vig from people who couldn't afford it. I was the guy who went to pick up the couch or TV while the little kid is crying that you're taking away "Barney" because mommy couldn't make that week's payment. Eventually, I took a$6,000 / year pay cut just so that I could NOT do that job. One of the best moves I made. It taught me that valuable lesson that there is more to consider than money when it comes to my employment.

  • wasblind

    Hey Moshe,

    IT would be hard for me, to get close to residents only to see

    them deteriorate not only once but over and over again. and

    workin' in this environment you see more of that than usual

    I tip my hat to the health care workers. If it's depressing to you

    and not good for your own mental well bein' I'd look for somethin'

    else after all a job is about more than money. My ole man is 62

    and lookin' to retire, I hope he keep on workin' if he don't

    then I'll have to curtail my bein' on line. He'll be buggin' the

    hell out of me


    Good morning Moshe..

    It takes a special kind of person to work in a place like that..

    I could`nt do it..Too dam depressing..

    It`s time to find something else..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • tec

    If you are unhappy in a job, my suggestion is to find another one as soon as you can. It could get better for you, but only you know if you could get used to things so that you don't feel sad at every loss... and if you even want to learn how to do that.


  • factfinder


    I am sorry the new job is becoming depressing for you. I guess you should look for something else.

  • fokyc

    Leave and find another one!

    In my whole working life, I never stayed in a job I didn't like doing!

    If you don't enjoy your work; life is not worth living.

  • moshe

    I have started looking around online and I have even seen jobs this week for my skillset that I haven't seen in 2 years- Obama says it's gettin' better! This job has a lot of management tasks (which were glossed over), but without the extra pay. I am listed as #6 on the emergency hierarchy for state agencies. They say I am responsible for the hurricane preparedness plans, the fire drills on all shifts, call in 24/7 for any building emergency/fire alarm problems and when the cook is sick, they want me to put down the mop and pick up a fry pan! If a hurricane does require a lockdown, I am expected to move into the facility (w/my family) 12 hours before landfall and stay until services are restored. I have seen the 3 day emergency food menu and it is what I call hobo food.

    The recession has emboldened corporations to multitask it's workers into exhaustion, but I am hoping more job openings will turn this abuse around.

    There is a desperate need for volunteers who will just come in and talk one-on-one with the residents. In one week I have had one resident die, one go to the VA hospital, one to a regular hospital and Aurthur is in a mental program to get him level-mooded so he can return to his room. At this rate in one year I will see at least a 50% turnover in residents. I just found out a few days ago that 25% of the residents are in hospice status and another 10% are what is called pallative care, which is only for pain and symptoms, but not for curative treatments. So fo 1/3 of my residents the road slopes downhill quickly.

  • wasblind

    Corporations + Govn't = sellouts


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