I think someone from the congo I attend is on here because his comment on paragraph 16 was fantastic!
He said that he has worked with a company that did this type of sewing. He said the typical operator 1) had a lot of experience because most comapnies couldn't take the chance of putting an inexperienced person on the front line and 2) usually paid near minimum wage (in the US). So, he said, for someone with NO experience to even be offered a job was very rare but then to pay that person double the min wage (assuming her old job was the lowest paying one could have) was unbelievable! Then he added, it would have had to been Jehovah because there's no logical explaination for it.
It was classic. I could see the confused look of some. I immediately looked at my wife with a "that's really unbelievable" expression and she just averted her eyes. She knew that story couldn't have been true.
I can't wait for the one coming up in a few months talking about a person in Ethiopia turning down a scholarship that appears out of nowhere and then being offered a job making 3000 euros a month. That one is even more far fetched than this one.