New light? The article states that Jesus never said there would be an increase in earthquakes, but that they would be "great" earthquakes in one place after the we have seen lately. This is quite a change with the WTS' obsession of trying to prove that since 1914 there has been a significant increase in the number of occurances,comparing fictious numbers from the time of JC until 1914 and from 1914 until today! Still real expert say that the number of "great" earthquakes have also been steady for the past century. One other thing I noted is that the address common objections to their statements...but their rebuttal only work for those who have a weak critical mind.
April WT: 6 prophesies you are seeing fulfilled - earthquakes...
by NVR2L8 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It is correct that Jesus did not say there would be an increase in EQ.
What he said is that (my translation) it would be when all these disasters occurred together in close proximity of the pains of a woman in labor.
We ARE seeing such an increase in disasters right after the next, week to week, day to day....soon hour to hour.
But...I do not believe it is caused by an supernatural God attempting to destroy people. God has been maligned.
You reap what you sow...and many of these disasters are caused by man's stupidity, greed, and lack of forethought. Some of these disasters are a predictable outcome of man's plundering and causing the shaking. Also the possible experimentation and use of tectonic weapons and weather control.
I discount anything WT has to say. After all, they have praised man's superior technology and they are a big part of the Babylon system corrupt with greed, deceit and dominating others by the use of fear and intrusion.
Psychotic Parrot
We ARE seeing such an increase in disasters now
cameo-d : are you really saying that because men have "plundered" (I'm not even sure what that means), they are directly causing the earthquakes? And it's not because of tectonic plates shifting, which is the way God designed the earth?? Please go on, I'm listening.
Wait Gorbell, put your tin hat on first.
Psychotic Parrot
Does BurnTheShits or whatever his name was post here anymore? This seems like the sort of thread he'd post his highbrow pseudo-liberal postmodern neo-spiritual twaddle in.
Where is this tectonic weaponry and weather control crap coming from? A brother I work with the other day got all serious and started telling me about some stupid conspiracy theory about some scientist (he couldn't remember the name) that made a weapon that could cause earthquakes, but then he ripped up the blue prints and sent it to different world governments so that they would have to make peace before they could use it, and then he showed me a picture on his phone of a bunch of antennae from some country (he couldn't remember which) where the government controls the weather using these antennae, something about radio waves and electricity (he wasn't sure exactly how it worked). He wasn't CERTAIN that the earthquakes in japan were because of this weapon, but he was certain that the country he couldn't remember was able to control the weather with electricity and radio waves, that was just a fact.
Seeing somebody else here mirror this insanity makes me think he must of gotten that specific line of twaddle from somewhere. Is there some dumb youtube video going around or something?
In ancient times earthquakes were perceived by the many diverse and varied civilizations to be caused by gods (their specific gods) in anger.
So its not unusual for the ancients Israelites of Judea not to think in the same respectively to their own god Yahweh.
One thing that the WTS. does deceivingly is only selectively use information that supports their doctrinal dogma.
To say that great earthquakes have only occurred in the last 100 years is very mis-informative and disingenuous on the subject.
If in doubt call or go to any well recognized Geology Institute or read up on the subject at your local library, there you'll
get a true perspective on the subject. With the WTS/JWS you'll only get selective information that supports their own cause and that is of
course the continuing proliferation of their literature by their fear induced followers.
Hey fear sells well, look how well the movie Armageddon sold when that came out a few years ago.
One Gospel says just "in one place after another" and another Gospel says "great earthquakes." Isn't God's plan of telling Jesus' life-saving story so nice and straightforward?
The Disciples asked for a sign:
Jesus said that earthquakes famines pestilences and wars were NOT a sign that the End was about to come.
( The WTBTS claims they are - even after 140 years of trumpeting about earthquakes famines pesilences and wars proving the end is "imminent")
Jesus says "you will see these things BUT THE ENDIS NOT YET" also many will say "The time is at hand" - do not listen to them (Luke 21:8)
If anything shows that the Witchtower Babble and Trash Society is ignoring the Bible when it suits them it is this.