Listen to Stephen Lett and let me know what you think about his talk.
by Iamallcool 13 Replies latest jw friends
There is always a reason that a talk is given by a member of the gov body. Clearly they are having problems with witnesses who not being humble.
Basically he was saying that witnesses should be moldable, always willing to accept council from the organisation.
He implied that a good time for people to accept the JW message is when they are vunerable. Maybe something serious has happened in their life, and they are looking for something different.
I hate the way they group everyone who is not a witness as a worldling. The organisation always like to make it appear that only they are truly humble, and everyone else in the world is proud and arrogant.
Stephen Lett is a good speaker, which helps the sheep accept what he said without question.
It was hard work but I did listen to the whole talk, and I am so glad I am no longer a member of this religion.
Is it just me, or does GB member Stephen Lett sound like a pre-school teacher reading a story book to 4 year-olds?
I fell asleep when he started talking about the "endurance" of the cherubs... I guess JWs in Brazil must slowing down lately ... who knows...
119 minutes
are you kidding me? are you trying to kill all of us here?
I can't sit and listen to 119 minutes of some cult governing body member or any other cult member talk about what he thinks others should do or what they should think.
Now that I think about it I can't even listen to 1 minute.
Sorry couldn't listen to more than a minute without thinking - "I'm wasting my life"
I tried to listen to the whole thing, but I could not.
diana netherton
He's talking like he's addressing a bunch of mental patients.
What in God's Holy name? Zeus please strike me!
I listened to 10 seconds of it.
diana netherton
I couldn't bear it anymore. I got about 15 minutes in to when he
mentioned Wild Kingdom and Mooountain Rams. The way he stretches
his vowels out makes me want to jump out of my window here. It brought
all sorts of horrific memories back of Yankee Stadium sweltering chair
sticking summers of endless talks, disgusting food and smelly toilets.
OMG, I am listening to the start of it, idk if I can take it in two languages!