No shortage of prophecy

by jean-luc picard 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuntBee

    Jean-luc: That is VERY interesting how you were exposed to all those doomsday predictions in the seventies - SO WAS I! I've never heard anyone else talk about it. I never thought about it as "prophecy", but i guess it was in a sense.

    I picked up the same ideas as you did - very soon there would be no water, too much solid trash to deal with, air pollution, and of course overpopulation, and famine and other disasters because too many people. Oh, and nuclear war, radiation ,etc.

    Later as an adult, it hit me like WTH?? What could i do about all that as a kid? And did they ever stop to think about the effects of that on kids who would take it seriously, without any counter-balancing information, thinking skills, etc.??!!! Some that already had a tendency to depression could have become suicidal.

  • NomadSoul

    Yeah my brother who is still a JW,(He doesn't shun me because I will kick his ass), told me the other day that they found radioactive from Japan all the way to Nevada! That this is a sign that something really bad is about to happen to humanity!

    I felt like slapping him upside his head. But I told him that every generation thinks this is going to happen. I told him I will remind him years later if I'm still alive about what he still thinks.

  • steve2

    People mistake the strength of their conviction for the strength of its accuracy. Because I feel something strongly does not mean its true. Feelings come and feelings go and, as far as religion is concerned, one strong belief washes over and completely obliterates the previous strong belief. By no emans is foolishness limited to religious people - but they sure turn foolishness into a powerfully delusional art form.

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