Discussion Topic God's Sudden Personality Change as Seen in the Bible

by charlie brown jr. 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AGuest

    The "Answer", dear Sab (peace to you!), which I believe I did state above... is that (1) what was written in the OT about the Most Holy One of Israel is largely false... due to the false stylus of the scribes (those who copied the Law and writings), so that my Lord included them in with those who needed to figure out how they were going to escape Gehenna; and thus, (2) when my Lord came in the flesh, one of the reasons FOR his coming is so that he could SHOW Israel, by what he did and how he lived HIS life... what the Most Holy One of Israel was truly like... and thus "bear witness to the TRUTH" about God. Which, as you can see, was in stark contrast to what was WRITTEN about Him.

    Thus, the Word didn't remanifest in another book or Law: he became flesh.

    Does that help? I hope so, although additional questions are more than welcome, if necessary.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    They do, dear baltar (peace to you!)... which is a GREAT error. It is one of the reasons folks can't "see" God - because they keep looking at the wrong "image": they think He is manifest through the "written word"... when the truth is that is He ONLY manifest through the Word... and image... that is His Son.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • strymeckirules

    do you think god KNEW how to deal with imperfect beings?

    do you think god could predict what a imperfect humans would do when left to their own reasoning? remember babel?

    god had a perfect world before we fell from perfection.

    he gave laws to guide his followers and he told them beforehand of consequences of disobediance.

    it's like dealing with twins. one came out normal and one came out with a mental defect. they won't act the same. the normal one will listen and be obediant but the mentally challanged one just won't behave properly.

    once jesus came down here and got a human perspective, god understood us a little better and was more forgiving to us.

    we are the mentally challanged children.

  • designs

    God needs perspective.....

  • NomadSoul

    My favorite line from the movie "The Book of Eli".

    "IT'S NOT A FUCKIN' BOOK! IT'S A WEAPON. A weapon aimed right at the hearts and minds of the weak and the desperate. It will give us control of them. If we want to rule more than one small, fuckin' town, we have to have it. People will come from all over, they'll do exactly what I tell 'em if the words are from the book. It's happened before and it'll happen again. All we need is that book."

    What better weapon than a book that would scare people shitless then give them hope?

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    A guest: thank you I always like your way os thinking... Keep them coming please.

    strymeckirules : I like that way of reasoning.

    I once heard that Jesus actually was the God of the Old T. and once he came down he realized how wrong he was for being so Hard on Humankind. And became a More Loving God as we see now.

    Keep these explanations coming...

    Blondie ... When I was in I really thought about the OT when thinking about the final day of Judgement... Everyone Men Woman Elderly children Babies.... how horrible it was to think that ..but God in the Old days did and God is Justice and True and Pure and can't be wrong....so who was I to Question his Plan.

    NomadSoul How very true!!!! And your comment about Revelations...I think that's what Blondie was hinting at and why I commented what I did. Very good point though!

  • sabastious

    Shelby, I gathered that from your post. You think the OT is full of false history. The questions that come with that hypothesis are too many to count; starting with what about the NT? Is it full of false history too?


  • NomadSoul

    Charlie Brown,

    You should ask those people that believe God is more loving in the New Testament if they have read the book of Revelations. Seems to me it's the same God.

  • AGuest
    what about the NT? Is it full of false history too?

    Yes, dear Sab (again, peace to you!), although, like the OT, it contains SOME truth. Including my Lord's statement recorded at John 5:39, 40:

    "You are searching the scriptures because you THINK that by means of THEM you will obtain everlasting life. And these are the ones that bear witness... about ME. Yet... YOU DO NOT WANT TO COME TO ME... that you may have life."

    Another, then, would be:

    "Come to ME... all you who are toiling and loaded down."


    "If anyone is thirsting, let him come to ME... and drink."

    There are several other things but, yes, a lot of falsehoods, as well. Which, again, is why my Lord pronounced "woe" on the scribes as well as on the Pharisees.

    The Bible is NOT God's Word... not at ALL. It is merely a composition of scripture, histories, chronologies, accounts, and letters... most of which SPEAK about God's Word, to one extent or another (although some make no mention at all). And it is made out of paper (and thus, dead wood) and ink (thus, dead bugs).

    CHRIST... is God's Word... and he is ALIVE. Even the Bible (which NEVER calls itself God's Word... ANYWHERE)... states that. Funny thing is, so many put their faith in the Bible... yet, reject what it itself SAYS. Why IS that, exactly?

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest
    ask those people that believe God is more loving in the New Testament if they have read the book of Revelations. Seems to me it's the same God.

    Can you point to what, specifically, is UNLOVING in the Revelation, dear NS (again, peace to you!)?

    Thank you and, again, peace!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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