who climbed the Watch Tower ladder to the top
For a woman, Barbs did climb the Watch Tower ladder to the top and about as high as she could go without marrying or sleeping with a GB member.
Ray Franz didn't grandstand
No, but the crying, whiny butts are sure grandstanding about how Babs presented this news and other news in the past.
I think that 'Ray Franz didn't grandstand' is a sexist comment. Men are considered to give 'serious' accounts, while women are considered to be flighty gossipers. Barbara introduced a 'big news' thread years ago about a blood article. Just like now, some of the posters thought she was grandstanding about the article. Barb got an earful of snotty nosed, whiny butt posters who didn't like the way she posted it as 'big news.' Guess what happened? Ray Franz, not Barbs, appeared and was quoted in newspaper articles about the JW blood doctrine and the blood article. This went all around the US. Guess also what? No one on this board accused Ray Franz of grandstanding. I do think the sexism learned while a JW carries over to this life. Barbs is grandstanding, but Ray Franz isn't. waa-waa-waaa.
You locked a thread I started. Why are you picking on this poster? Others have disagreed with Barbara but you seem to find me a problem? Am I easier to lock out? That's fine, Simon.
Now, the motive comes out. Hidden jealousy and anger. waa-waa-waa
This Board is not a public park. Simon is its owner. If you break the posting guidelines, he can shut you out. It's his playpen. If you publicly dispute or argue about moderator decisions, you need to aise it via e-mail or pm. See rule #11. I wonder what about your previous thread caused it to be shut down. Must have broke another rule, I am sure. I don't care to hear it, but you should have worked through it via the methods. I have heard enough whining.
Nor, is this Boardt like mandatory service. If you don't like how you are treated, you have the right to leave. You can and should move to other places. You have the right to build your own talk forums.
Personally, I am very worried about you. Have you ever heard of obsessive compulsive disorder? Were you offended because Simon shut down your previous thread, you didn't like the tone of Barbara's thread, are jealous becuase Barbara is more popular and in the know then you? Are you now dwelling on her? Seriously, do you dwell too much on things in other areas?