What's more likely... ghosts only come out at night in scary places, or your only mind plays tricks on you at night in scary places.
Anyone here have any experience with the "super-natural"?
by Knowsnothing 114 Replies latest jw experiences
I agree that supernatural are things unexplained. I can sense things sometimes but am not psychic. Also, while I had a dead relative come to me in a dream, I have never seen a ghost, demon or angel of any kind.
Joey Jo-Jo
lovelylil: Some things can be explained, its the brian playing tricks like sleep paralyses which is believe to be in relation to UFO captures and other things, its like your dreaming but your awake and see things that arent there, you take lie detector test and everything lists to be true..but isnt, then there are other mind conditions such as schizophrenia and others.... and then there are these occurences that more than one person sees so a scientific explanation is highly improbable.
This intrigues me more now than before, because before I believe in the truth and believe these identities to be demons, they did very bad things such as scaring the shadow out of me, but now I have serious doubts and would like to ask these or my old spirits questions to see if they can shed some light on God.
I found it interesting that the Illuminati though before was composed of mostly good people now pratices very dark arts, they believe that satan is god and god is satan (just like the explanation in the book Jehohva unmasked that satan is the good guy), that what we call know ghost was called before spirits, and before spirits gods, in the OT God speaks of other gods as real.
Emotions are energy, and if someone experiences a traumatic event, it may leave an "imprint" on a particular place. Basically, most "ghosts" are just residual energy.
It's plausible. The brain is a complex machinery. Temporary madness is real. The brain can create powerful illusions and, in the case of chronic schizoids, long lasting illusions. We all have moments of autism sometimes.
Pams girl
Hi ALIAS...yes I saw them. I was 11...my twin sister and brother were there and my dad.....we ALL saw it happen. Things like this happened time and time again. EVERY event had at least 2 witnesses, I was never on my own when these things happened. My dad is a "proper Welshman"...proud, hard-working, a straight talker, hard but fair........he was reduced to tears the evening the glass smashed.....it was the culmination of monthes of unexplained phenomenon. It was my dad that insisted we move house for these very reasons.
I didnt imagine these things. We all saw them. They happened.
I think you are yanking our chains
To me it seems like some parts of the world have these experiences more than others. I never have experience any of this but on the lighter side I do remember back in the 70's a older sister in our hall was having problems with what she thought was demons. Her dishes in her cabinets were rattling and shaking. My Dad and I would come over to see if we could help her. We didn't see anything so my Dad prayed with her got out her Bible turn it to (PS 83:18) and we left. This went on for about a week. Everytime we went there we would not hear anything. That weekend her cabinets came crashing down to the floor. It turn out she had termites in the wall her cabinet hung on. Some would call them demons but in FL it is a common problem. Alot of times these things can be explain just like UFO. But there is that 10 % that cannot. Totally ADD
jookbeard..I wish I was but totally truthful here as I said I sold my house an investment property that we purchased and were going to keep but only had it for six months and lost money on it...you can choose to believe or not...we're the ones living the nightmare maybe all from watchtower instilled fear who knows or they brought the demons in
I had an encounter with a demon once. I woke up and I couldn't move. No matter how much I tried. All of the sudden I saw a shadow move against the wall, and I was scared. Its presence felt so evil! It felt so real and was pretty scary.
I said to my self, "HOLY FUCKEN SHIT WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?". I learned that it was sleep paralysis. I wonder how much of a role has sleep paralysis played in the creation of some myths.