Jehovahs Witness comments on university ten years ago - how they apply now

by jambon1 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    The comments were made by a militant JW pioneer/elder/ms training school, kind of ass hole.

    At the time I was on the ministry with him. As we walked by a swathe of students heading into university for the day he turned to me & said "look at them all! Each one on the road of futility"

    I wasn't particularly keen on the comments. I wasn't that sort of JW.

    The other day I drove past the same area & this idiots comments came to mind.

    But think about it:

    All those students will have graduated years ago. Some will be doctors, surgeons, lawyers, nurses etc.......

    If JW asshole gets ill, he'd expect to be treated by the very same sort of people he slagged off for 'pursuing futility'. It's crazy when you stop & think about it, isn't it? How does asshole elder feel aout needing the assistance of a highly skillled & trained individual in his hour of need? If he were seriously ill, he would be crying out for someone in that position. Weeping like a baby for them to call on their expertise to take away the pain and make him better. It's just common sense is it not? The world we live in needs university graduates. It's as simple as that.

    And that, my friends, in a nutshell, is why the Jehovah's Witnesses view of going to university is an absolute pile of stinking shit!

  • sabastious
    The comments were made by a militant JW pioneer/elder/ms training school, kind of ass hole.

    These are the kind of jerks that make me wonder why any Witness puts up with them.


  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Her's an irony:

    A friend who was a good dub, pioneer from school no further education, etc wanted to go to bethel.

    He was refused.

    They only "needed" computor experts and the like at the time, to work on their new programs.

    So here they were saying, people who have gone to university, studied and got their diplomas were the only ones who would be accepted to bethel.

    My good and faithful dub friend didnt fit because he had obeyed and left school early.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Somewhere in there heart of hearts JWs know that being educated is a good thing.

    Otherwise they would not act the way they do around educated people.

    The JWs I knew that were educated previous to becoming witnesses, where always treated with the highest regard.

  • snowbird

    Yeah, my JW daughter and nephew, both college-educated, are always called upon for meeting and assembly parts.



  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The Borg are the worst kind of manipulators. They leave the responsibility on the sheeple in order to maintain their own culpability and deniability. They can honestly say, "we never told people, 'don't go to college.'" Now when JWs get older and are suffering in poverty, it is their own fault for not preparing for their future.

    Makes me sick.

  • garyneal
    And that, my friends, in a nutshell, is why the Jehovah's Witnesses view of going to university is an absolute pile of stinking shit!

    This is so hard to reason on with a brainwashed witness. My wife, for example, does not see the reasoning behind the idea of "brother so-an-so going to school to become a doctor, specializing in bloodless therapies and devoting his life to helping witnesses and non-witnesses receive the 'best medicine' available without blood." "What a wonderful provision Jehovah provided!"

    Nope, that reasoning fails on her. Sad, so sad....

  • ziddina
    "A friend who was a good dub, pioneer from school no further education, etc wanted to go to bethel.
    He was refused.
    They only "needed" computor experts and the like at the time, to work on their new programs.
    So here they were saying, people who have gone to university, studied and got their diplomas were the only ones who would be accepted to bethel.
    My good and faithful dub friend didnt fit because he had obeyed and left school early. ..."

    Hah!! Jean-luc, I remember that!!! Very clearly, as a matter of fact, because I had turned down a sizeable chunk of money from a non-JW aunt set aside to allow me to go to college, because "Armageddon" was supposed to come in 1975 and I had only a few years left... For that matter, I also had been severely handicapped by my JW parents' bullying, but that's another story...


    Ten years after I graduated from high school, the Watchtower Society came out with that announcement at the Kingdom Halls: "We have just purchased several [large, expensive...] high-speed printing presses, and we need computer programmers to program them. And they must be COLLEGE-EDUCATED computer programmers, not just self-taught..."

    I hit the roof. That, and hearing that some couple in one of the congregations in southern Aurora, Colorado, were being put on "public reproof" because they had BEATEN THEIR CHILD TO DEATH - oh, wait.... THAT wasn't the reason; it was because the POLICE HAD TO BE CALLED IN, that they were put on public reproof... [made me wonder at the time; if that couple had simply buried the child in their backyard and had gotten away with it, then I guess that would have gotten them "PRIVATE" reproof, instead.... ]

    Anyway, after those two incidents, even the bullying, beating, and brainwashing from my vicious parents didn't keep me in the cult. I was OUTTA there!!

    By the way, if you ever get the chance to look at the old - really old - JW literature, you'll find that their antipathy towards college education has been around for over a hundred years....


  • wasblind

    " This is so hard to reason on with a brainwashed witness. My wife, for example, does not see the reasoning behind the idea of "brother so-an-so going to school to become a doctor,"

    Hey Gary,

    ask her about her reasoning on this again the next time she make a doctors appointment

    you don't have to wait until then, ask her has she ever used the services of a physician


    the next time she get sick, tell her to wait on the new system

  • garyneal


    Good points, sadly my wife will only view those as my being antagonistic to her views. Her mind will close and she will begin to ignore me and distract herself in anyway she can.

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