When I read your threads, I get a feeling akin to that of reading the posts of those of a certain ethnicity.
We are really and truly brothers in Christ.
Not that I have anything against agnostics, atheists, non-theists, and pantheists of course.
by snowbird 45 Replies latest jw friends
When I read your threads, I get a feeling akin to that of reading the posts of those of a certain ethnicity.
We are really and truly brothers in Christ.
Not that I have anything against agnostics, atheists, non-theists, and pantheists of course.
Syl -
in the end we are all (distant) relatives... christian or not. (even human or not...)
Agreed, J. Hofer.
All from the same Source.
God made us ALL in his image, we all love, we all suffer, we get angry, upset, hurt and all because we, like God, care and love.
The very things that make us in God's image are not taken away because we disgaree with each other or because we have different POV's.
All that is good comes from God and it "falls" on ALL of Us, all of Us that are made in God's image.
Believer and non-believer.
Why, hey there, PSac.
Where ya been?
I will not be posting as much here as in the past, this site truly has served its purpose for me.
I have a far better understanding of the mindset the drives JW's and exJW's and I am hoping that it will better help me deal with my JW family members.
I still come by and read and try to help those I feel I can and support those I feel I can support, but for the most part I think my time here has run its course, at least in regards to active participation.
You and Chalam/Stephen ...
Our love is always here andyou guys are never far from mind and heart :)
Like any relationship, sometimes space is needed and sometimes the compatability ends.
sometimes the compatability ends.
Now, ain't that the truth!
For me, the compatibility never ends with Jesus of Nazareth, though.
I'm so thankful that He never gets tired of this old fool.