It's funny how some things you never really thought about, but then when reading someone else's comments on it, all of a sudden it further drives home how bizarre the Memorial rituals/traditions are.
undercover said:
When the crackers and wine are passed, thou must touch the vessel it is carried in. Even if you're the last person on a dead end row, you must grap the glass/plate, hold it for a split second and then hand it back. And I'm serious on this one. I got in trouble one year for just shaking my head 'no thanks' and waving it off when I was at the end of the dead end row.
As if it isn't weird enough (furthering LisaBObeesa's post too) that the 'other sheep' are obligated to attend a communion meal they aren't allowed to share in themselves but have to 'respectfully observe' a handful or less individuals do so instead, but to add insult to injury, the food and drink has to be passed around under the noses of all those barred from tasting them.
What kind of celebratory supper is this? Can you imagine you and your friends being invited over for a meal, you sit in a row in the dining room, and the host says,
"I invited you all here today to watch your friend John enjoy this banquet, and you all have to pass the plates and glasses among yourselves and to him, but you yourselves mustn't eat or drink anything because you're not entitled."
You'd all say, "Whaaaat the ....?" and storm out.