The IFB go door to door like the JW's.
Yes indeed they do, it is called Soul Winning and one pastor of an IFB church I used to attend would push it every bit as hard as the witnesses push Field Service. I remember one such phrase from that pastor going something like, "You can play the piano but how many souls have you won for Christ?"
Many similarities between that denomination and the witnesses.
The feeling you are never doing enough for the Lord.
Even though they believe in once saved always saved, they often made you feel like your relationship with God was in jeopardy for doing even the slightest infraction.
Parents kick out and shun children in some cases too. I've personally witnessed this with one family.
One lady who was a Sunday school teacher told me sometime later after I left (and apparently so did she) at college that the people at the church made you feel like a heathen or even of the devil whenever you began attending church irregularly. The other side of that, I heard, was that since she was a Sunday school teacher, she was held to a higher standard.
Legalism and preaching beyond the Bible was rampant. Of the many 'rules' I was bombarded with include no listening to rock, rap, or even country music. This included the Christian rock, rap, and country music. No drinking. Women were always expected to wear dresses, wearing jeans was frowned upon. Strict dress code was preached from the pulpit (no earrings for the men or tattoos). One pastor even said that living at home past 18 was frowned upon.
Spiritual adultery? The pastor also said that if you had a home church and you later decide to visit another church, you were committing adultery against the home church.
Needless to say, after leaving that church a great weight was lifted off my chest and my suicidal thoughts receded. I never encountered such oppression again until I began regularly visiting the Kingdom Hall with my wife.