Skeptic/Major Physicist Validates 'Cold Fusion'

by metatron 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron


    The bone head media keep ignoring a continuing story that could change the world profoundly! Economics, politics, environmentalism, the Middle East...... everything!


  • JonathanH

    If there is money to be made by it, then it won't be ignored. If no business is willing to make trillions off of it, then it doesn't work. Capitalism will make sure that engineering that works better than what we have will be used.

  • Abaddon

    LOL, maybe the bonehead media do some research?

    Maybe the majority of the scientific comunity have thought about this skeptically, like this;

    Look, it I had made a suitcase sized device that could generate 15x as much power as was put into it, I would stage a press event in a public park with the suitcase, a petrol generater of the required input power, and a bank of lights requiring 15x as much power.

    A bare field and a clear evidence of and output 15x that of input removes the chance of smoke and mirrors, or at least greatly reduces it.

    From the fact the patent application is divergent from the claims made elsewhere, this is suspect and likely an investment scam.

    The level of deciet in these situations is remarkable; the above link describes one where a claimed energy machine looked real because it drew power in such short bursts the needle on the metre couldn't respon quicly enough, so it LOOKED like it was making more energy than was put into it.

    Some Swedish skeptic being apparently impressed means nothing. A shit load of scientists peer reviewing it and saying, "oh my gosh, cold fusion!" means something - either that or dramatic demonstrations of its claimed ability away from smoke and mirrors, as described above.

  • skeeter1

    I am glad this scientist didn't stop researching and kept trying. It takes thinking the impossible, is possible, to find greatness.

  • bohm

    you want to bet some beer this is a hoax?

  • metatron

    It could still be a hoax but this open experiment has been going on for some time, if you have followed it. It is not a quick, one time affair.

    Cold Fusion has been replicated all over the world but the adamant disbelief persists.

    I understand that Robert Park - who hates the Cold Fusion concept - may be hesistant to criticize this latest demo.

    As for the PESN site and its silly claims , you are committing a guilt by association fallacy, if you think Rossi's work should be judged by PESN's context. It was just a convenient summary and I follow a blog by a group of scientists who have been examining this demonstration since it began.

    As for the nickel/hydrogen reaction itself, a physicist/MD named Randall Mills has been independently pursuing his own invention and getting lab confirmation from a university. He too, is ignored or just ridiculed.


  • bohm

    metatron: Yes but are you willing to put your beer where your mouth is, so to speak :-).

  • metatron

    If you weren't so far away, I might. Although, I avoid it on my diet!


  • bohm

    metatron, i totally get you :-). That is also my thoughts on the subject -- if i am wrong, imagine the shipping cost! apparently i value my pride far less than trans-atlantic shipping.

    But seriously, lets just assume he has very valid reasons not to make the professor sign a non-disclosure agreement and show him the details of the device (allready there i highly doubt him, he is only delaying his first billion and his nobel prize by keeping the details secret). There is still something very wrong here. If he was for real this is what he would do:

    • get very large, insulated, tank with water. let it stand freely on a table.
    • compute how much energy there could possible be in the device if it were one large battery or similar, call this quantity E.
    • power on the device and let it heat up the tank of water with a heat-exchanger. Keep track of the amount/temperature of water in the tanks and that which goes into the device, as well as the final temperature of the water. This is very easily done, and the total heat created is very easily computed.
    • Let it run for so long that the amount of water that went into the tank of water, minus the amount of electricity (etc.) that goes into the device, is larger than E.

    Its high school physics and it would rule out a battery or something else, and could be done without revealing any details of his device. but i bet he will never do it like that. thats why i think he is a fraud: He act exactly like a fraud would do, and the a-priori chance his device does not work is very large.

  • metatron

    I think the calorimetery approach has already been done for various anomalous gadgets - such as Griggs and Schaeffer (cavitation heaters) and left examiners scratching their heads. As to Rossi, the Swedish scientists felt the difference between input and output was so great, it could not be explained by a mere chemical reaction but must be something greater.

    As I said, I follow a blog by scientists who are throwing every contrary theory at the Rossi demo and coming up short.

    My interest in 'fringe' science relates to my acceptance ( after many decades of being in the 'truth') of evolution. My philosophical problem is why do scientists insist on a "Theology of science" if they reject a Creator? If there is no Bearded Heavenly Father who created everything, then I would expect the universe to resemble a complex patchwork of laws that may not be consistent according to our way of understanding. I would then be skeptical of neat, 'elegant' theories.

    So, some would be horrified by the thought of an easy transmutation , although I would not. In the end, the universe must be an arbitrary structure as to its laws. After some appropriate reductionism, it just is . While some are willing to admit that the quantum world 'just is', they are unwilling to consider that some things in the macro world might 'just be' as well.



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