If I ran the WTS ...

by Simon 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    Don't rush me I'm almost ready!


  • thetrueone

    I think the WTS. wouldn't intensionally set up people to disrupt web sites like this but there are people who for one reason or another

    come here to stand and protect the WTS/JWS with religious fervor. There is allot programmed arrogance that gets pumped into peoples heads

    during the course of their indoctrination with the WTS. You can obviously tell when they're debating topics, there is no unbiased rational

    in their arguments and positions they are holding to. This is gods organization, we are gods specially chosen organization, were the only organization

    that interpretates the bible and practice the direction of what the word of god truthfully, thats why we say we are in the Truth.

    So even when people have been put out by the JWS or they're in a state of doubtful confusion about the faith, they still stubbornly

    protect the Organization with irrational bias logic.

  • undercover
    Would I send apologists who were obviously on the side of the WTS to spew out the typical WTS message, ones that would be quickly labelled and disagreed with? Maybe ... it would get people riled up. Result!

    Not sure about that one. Riling people up doesn't result in disruption of the site. I see this scenerio actually exposing the apologist and their erroneous beliefs. They end up running with their tail between their legs until the time they return under another user name...at which they're again exposed. Rinse, repeat. Lurkers can see how idiotic JW beliefs are by those that continue to try to support WTism when poster after poster after poster systematically dismantles the WT doctrines. I see the end result as a defeat for apologists and an enlightenment for those lurking.

    Would I send people to pretend to be legit but really criticize and undermine people who were trying to 'do' something in any way possible? Maybe ... I think that would work really well and either annoy people or put off people from being proactive. Result!
    Or maybe I'd just sit back and laugh while those dumb-ass apostates did it all for me. Double result!

    The problem with the first scenerio is that it seems to be comparing two warring nations, each bent on the destruction of the other. Using spies and propaganda to disrupt the will of the people. But that's not what we have here. We have a loosely collected group of people who have escaped a controlling religion. That is the unifying factor. Outside of that, we're all very different with different beliefs, ideals, goals and dreams. Most of us are not at war with the WTS. Most realize that the WTS is going to continue in one form or another. It is noble those who continue a battle to expose the WTS, but they're being criticized from any direction doesn't change the fact that the WTS/JWs is a cult religion damaging to its members. Even if the messanger is criticized and disrupts the board momentarily, in the end it comes back around to criticism and condemnation of the WTS where the proof of their misdeeds is overwhelming.

    As for laughing at us when have a family fight... well, we don't all have the same goals so that's why laughing at our dysfunctionalism won't work. Most of us don't care. We're not trying to preserve the Apostate Liberation Army, we're just trying to get through our own deal in our own way. We're going to disagree and argue from time to time. And that's a lesson for lurkers: we're expressing our opinions. Opinions that we formed, not what was indoctrinated into us to believe. If JW boards were allowed to flourish, they'd be the most boring boards on the Internet. Not here, or "other free-thinking allowed" boards though. Topics are discussed. Opinions weighed. Debates conducted. Names called even. But common sense and logic seem to prevail even when tempers are short.

    I think if I ran the WTS, instead of laughing, I'd be worried. More and more of the rank and file are ignoring the counsel of avoiding the Internet and are researching. Those people are going to find this site. They're going to see a group of people who have escaped our clutches and while they may argue among themselves they show a resilance and determination to not allow us to dictate to them how to live anymore. Even their arguments show a people who are no longer easily fooled. They question everything and everbody. If our followers see too much of this freedom, we're going to lose more of them to this free thinking and away from the Kingdom Hall and serving us.

  • Magwitch

    So very well said UNDERCOVER!

  • Simon

    Just because some are more public than others doesn't make them better or more special.

    No, and it doesn't make them worse either. It works both ways doesn't it?

    I'm sick of seeing people who make an effort and put a lot of time, energy and money into doing things then criticised because they tell people the results.

  • sabastious

    Nice post UC.

    I revel in the fact that this site is nothing like the Witnesses want to think it is. It helps me sleep well at night to know that even while I'm dreaming the WT's view of EX members continues to be proved false and ultimately malicious.

    Keep of the good work!


  • simon17

    why not equate apostates and their every word with satan and everlasting death so people are too afraid to go to this site? brilliant!

  • Cagefighter

    I agree with Simon. One thing that is so hard to find after leaving the WTS is true passion and purpose in life. If someone's passion is the "blood issue" or child abuse so be it even if it doesn't get me that excited. Mine happens to be helping others heal from the self-esteem issues and find happiness in a relationship with God again if they choose to do so with out all the cynicism the WTS has poisioned us with. I know I have been criticized and called a hypocrit and stopped sharing that side a long time ago when it was the reason I initially came to this board.

    Easy to get wrapped up in the B.S. and be apart of it. Good point, Simon.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i wonder what's the problem of being critizised? that was one of my number one points in the letter i sent to an elder, that they don't stand critizism. i told him, if the critizism is unfounded, you can dismiss it. if it is spot on on the other hand, it should be accepted. critizism is nothing to be afraid of!

  • Mary
    Just because some are more public than others doesn't make them better or more special.

    It can and it does in many cases. What Barbara has done over the years has had a huge impact on many Witnesses. When the story of the pedophile problem first broke, her son flew to Crooklyn to see what the thugs there had to say. Naturally they tried to minimize everything and they told him point blank that by her actions, his mother had stumbled thousands of Witnesses who left 'the Truth' and naturally she was going to be bird fodder at Armageddon.

    How many of us have made such an impact that it has gotten thousands of people out of this damn religion? Over the years on here, I've received several PMs from other posters thanking me for something I've posted, or for the project I did a few years ago that I made available free of charge to anyone who wanted a copy. Even so, there is simply no comparison for what I did, to the impact someone like Barbara has had. Does that make her "better" or "more special" than me or the majority of other ex-Witnesses? In my opinion, yes, it certainly does. Some people like Barbara, or Jim Penton or Raymond Franz make a huge difference simply because they are more public than others. To try and demean and belittle them at every opportune moment is petty and pathetic.

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