i saw them in the distance going door to door , (about 6 of them plus child in pushchair ) i knew i had to walk past them but started panicking ! i was thinking please dont speak to me or i will explain why im not interested in your religion , i left my town to get away from them ! due to my daughters sexual abuse by a ex min servant who had abused others in the congregation also but had never been reported ! plus mother in law who dosnt visit my child due to their religion ! im so glad they never spoke but it took me ages to calm down , i have spoketo them before at my door and it had the same affect on me then , i have since asked to be a do not call . does anyone else feel like this when they see jws , maybe its just bad memories they remind me of but its an awful feeling .
i saw jehovah witnesses today and actually had a panic attack !!
by looloo 13 Replies latest jw friends
I can relate with this 100%, looloo. Not when I see jws (I'm still forced to go to the meetings anyway), though. I don't have them anymore because I don't believe anymore. I had panic attacks up until I started seriously doubting. This religion will certainly leave you emotionally crippled and anxiety-ridden...I know.
charlie brown jr.
I'm not afraid of them anymore but have to admit....
When I see them I do get a sudden Chill run up my back a PANIC overcomes me only for a second then....that turns to Pure Hatred (If they are JW's I know)
I also moved out of my Territory (We sound like Cowboys) so when they come by they are strangers...
I simply say Not interested and close the door.
With what you went thru... it is understandable your feelings of Panic attack.
I'm sure anyone would say that is normal..... They are reminders of the past and past abuse.....
Remember you're out and they can't disrupt your life anymore...
Hopefully it will get better!
You are not alone. Anytime my door bell rings on a Saturday I get a slight "Oh, NOOOO!!!" feeling and then have to decide whether or not to blindly answer the door.
I have answered the door a few times during the week and been caught off guard by them in the past year, oddly enough. I suddenly lost all ability to think of all the things I know and could only say "I'm not interested". I wimped out. I do understand that panicky feeling.
Oh looloo.....How are you feeling now?? I hate it when i see them walking up my street, makes me feel ill. I have been asked to be put down as a DNC but they still knock. I'm just very polite and say i'm not interested.
I pray that you and your family are coping and recovering from the pain that has been caused.
thaks everyone for making me realise its normal to feel like this , im actually ok now as the court case was 2007 and i have very recently reached the stage of acceptence of the repercussions of the abuse , which i dont feel able to share , having gone through the anger and depression stages . im actually content with my life now and try to be grateful for all our blessings rather than dwell on past events that devastated my eldest child and myself (perp was my best friends husband and his wife stood by him and i used to see her out on the ministry and it so pissed me off ) so when i see jehovahs witnesses it all comes back to me .
Broken Promises
Considering you had a court case and all, it's normal that you would be feeling that way.
It does take time to get over that knot in the stomach feeling. I had JWs at my door this past week and it was the first time I didn't have that feeling. I admit I did debate answering the door or not, but I'm glad I did.
It feels good to take back that power they have over you. In time you will feel stronger.
Looloo I hate to see them too - gives me flashbacks to what I was. Urrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
four candles
I agree Can't leave, I see the bruvs on the street and I think ....I'm never going to do that again!!! But it's not panic,it's more of a nervousness that I used to get when tramping the streets.
Found Sheep
I would have panic attacks when I ran into them. Now for some reason I feel changed and if I see one I know I try to talk to them or wave, or smile and I get a kick out of how fast they run from ME. They are scared! I do feel sad for them when i see them waisting there time in FS