I'm sure at some point you have mentioed it somewhere on the site, perhaps several. But this question is I guess personal. For those her were born into the Jdub religion, why did you leave at whatever point? I was born in. I feel like a court judge who is all in favor of the plaintiff when I haven't even hear the defendant....and frankly am not even allowed to.
Why did you "BORN IN's" leave?
by stillstuckcruz 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Deep down I never really believed any of it. I tried my darnedest but just couldn't do it and for a while I thought something was wrong with me for not believing, it didn't stick with my brother or sister either. I'm glad that none of my parents' children were baptized into the madness and we were able to get out.
good for you mrsjones :). Same here...well at least the part about disbelieving. Sometimes I I have doubts about my doubts, but I believe those are only because their the only things I have ever known.
injustice in the congregation.
I became aware of the corruption of this disingenuous publishing house that has self proclaimed itself godly directed.
I also became aware of how this organization manipulated and exploited people, with its many false doctrines.
It is a false profiteering $ prophet, that was designed to bring among other things power and control to a small group of men..
A collection of reasons: hypocrisy within the congregation, doubts that the elder body is guided by holy spirit, questioning the logic of the god of the bible. But mostly a nagging gut feeling that something wasn't right. I don't handle authority very well....think that was the bug that stirred me out of this controlled group.
Because it was BS.
There were a lot of different reasons. For one, I didn't approve of the way my mom came to be disfellowshipped. For two, I didn't really believe in a lot of it. For three, I wanted the freedom to decide for myself if it was for me like every non-born-in got to do instead of just being in it because it was all I knew. I could go on but those are the main reasons why I left.
I left many years ago because none of it made sense or seemed real. I was raised in a town with many churches, and most people were devil-dodgers of some religion, so I always thought there was something real about Christianity that I couldn't work out. Having found Higher Criticism, now I know I was right the first time- none of it is real and it doesn't make sense.