Just saw with MY OWN eyes the JWs have THEIR OWN Bible!

by FollowedMyHeart 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • palmtree67


    I just downloaded that book to my Kindle.

    Thanks for the suggestion! The Levite concubine story has always bothered me, and I'm interested in his take on it.


  • miseryloveselders

    A great source on this and other strange stuff on the Bible is the book by Jonathan Hirsch: THE HARLOT BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD.

    I have been trying to post the link to amazon, but JWN isn't letting me. It's easy to find.


    From Library Journal

    Kirsch, an attorney and book critic, retells some of the juicier stories of the Bible in contemporary language. He expands upon the original biblical text to make the stories highly readable and includes with each the original text in modern translation and a brief sketch of the scholarly research and the speculation surrounding it. For those to whom Bible stories suggest "Disneyesque animals and simple uplifting moral lessons," this book may be a bit of a shock. Kirsch shows that the Bible is not a children's book. Then, as now, rape, incest, prostitution, murder, and strange religious cults were a part of life. As Kirsch says, "The Bible is a map of the human heart, and no secret chamber or hidden passage is left out." Kirsch contends that returning to the Bible can offer insight into modern issues. Mostly, however, he offers an irresistible popularization of some unfamiliar stories. Some readers will enjoy it; others will be highly offended. Recommended for public libraries.?C. Robert Nixon, MLS, Lafayette, Ind.
    Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

    From Booklist

    Although some of these biblical tales are not as "forbidden" as Kirsch makes out--both David's and Lot's stories have been on TV's Mysteries of the Biblethey do contain far more sex and violence than most readers would expect to find in a holy book. Demonstrating meticulous research and an enticing style, Kirsch recounts the rape of Dinah, in which the seducer of Jacob's daughter, along with 300 of his men, are circumcised and then murdered when they are too weak from their surgery to run; the seduction of Judah by his daughter-in-law Tamar; and the murder of Uriah by David, in order that David may have Uriah's wife, Bathsheba. Along the way, Kirsch comments perceptively on the implications of numerous instances of what he calls the "gyno-sadism" of the Bible--women being raped, gang-raped, and murdered. Along with excerpts from the Holy Scriptures according to Maoretic Text, Kirsch retells the stories, places them in the context of the time, and thoroughly addresses levels of meaning for both the ancient and modern readers. Fascinating reading. Ilene Cooper--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

  • Perry

    Very nice blog lovelylil ... bookmarked

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    not really a good point, lovelylil. there was no temple.

    but if you refer to the tabernacle, i'd like to know where you get the idea of jewish nuns from... i have never heard of it.

  • snowbird

    J. Hofer, you know full well that women served at the tabernacle or tent of meeting.

    The high priest, Eli, had some sorry ol' sons who lay down with some of them, causing YHWH to send young Samuel with a judgment message against them.



  • Terry

    This may seem slightly OFF topic. It isn't....

    There is a new book out: MOONWALKING with EINSTEIN.

    It is largely about the history of MEMORY as practised by humanity for thousands of years.

    Ancient stories were not written down as a common practice. It would have done little good. The manner of writing

    and the inconveniece of lugging around the thing itself made it impracticable.

    INSTEAD....great chunks of oral stories were learned...memorized...and transmitted.

    So what?

    So this...

    As we commonly do today, when we are telling stories about strangers we're unconcerned about the niggling details of reputation, errors, etc.

    When we relate stories about those dear to us we polish, scrub, iron out wrinkles and present in the best possible light.

    Oral stories about family, ancestors, leaders, icons are verbally shaped over time into what the current NORMS are in our society.

    But, stories about others, strangers, enemies, foreigners, etc. are darkened, coarsened and corrupted yet more and more.

    Why would Israel be any different? Old stories were told, retold and re-refashioned constantly. As social customs eroded or modified and improved the stories would change to fit them.

    I'll cite a modern example of this sort of expurgation. WALT DISNEY'S SONG OF THE SOUTH.

    Look high and look low, can you find a copy anywhere at any price?



    Race relations in America have changed dramatically since this film was made. (Zip uh de doo dah...Zip uh dee aay...my oh my...what a wonderful day..)

    Uncle Remus and the stories of Joel Chandler Harris NOW SEEM RACIALLY INSENSITIVE. At least to the Disney Corporation.

    They are embarrassed. So, they choose to remove this wonderful animated film from circulation and pretend the whole thing never happened.

    The songs are still played, of course. They are all that remains.

  • snowbird


    The same with Huckleberry Finn.


    However, in the case of Israel's history, there is a marked difference.

    The good, the bad, and the ugly are portrayed frankly.


  • lovelylil

    Jewish Nuns? oye ve!

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    you can say the same about greek or norse "history". the only difference is that greek and norse mythology is not as boring as huge parts of the bible.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Critics decry their NWT Bible as being written, or mistranslated, by non-Greek speaking pseudo-scholars, totally unqualified to translate the Greek into any language. This criticism is robust and extensive. Here are just a few examples of how they have altered God's word:

    Whereas the great majority of Bibles interpret John 1:1 as "...the Word was God," the New World Translation claims the "Word was a god," thereby denying the deity of Christ. Collosians 1:17 provides that the Word was "before all things" and therefore could not have been created but is eternal, but the New World Translation inserts the word "other" to allow room for the Word's creation and inferiority to God, stating that the Word was "before all [other] things." Throughout the New Testament of the New World Translation, the word "Lord" is changed to "Jehovah" despite the tetragrammaton YHWH not existing in any of the known 5,000 original manuscript texts. The word "in" is changed to "in union with" so that Christ is not actually within the Christian, thereby denying the indwelling. Christ's identifying himself as the I AM and deity is changed to "I have been" at John 8:58.

    The list goes on. The New World Translation Bible's voluminous mistranslations are extensive and profoundly alter the very definition of Christianity. It is the primary tool employed to turn mainstream Christianity upside down and invert 2,000 years of Bible truths. And it is no wonder that respected critics of the New World Translation Bible refer to selected portions of their works as "a shocking mistranslation," "obsolete and incorrect," and "an abysmal ignorance of the basic tenets of Greek grammar." Bible students are cautioned in relying solely on the New World Translation Bible and should seriously consider cross-referencing it with reputable texts. Better yet, discard the New World Translation altogether and get a real Bible. Reliable Christian texts are abundant.


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