
by Tatty 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tatty

    Hello to everybody,

    I am new here, non JW and never been.

    I have a question - in the situation when JW is inactive for a while and decides to go back to organisation what is it like? How are they accepted back? What do they do at the meetings? Do they carry on from there they stopped or have to go through the "ladder" again as a newcomer?

    I am sorry if this topic has already been discussed and sorry for the vocabulary - I am not entiterly sure what I am talking about.

    Thank you,


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It would probably depend on the person - why they left and how popular they were before they left.

    Some congs have their favourites so the experience would be different for everyone.

    If they had responsibilities before, they wouldn't have them now. They would have to climb the ladder so to speak, but again, it would depend on the circumstances.

    Some congs might welcome them back with open arms, some might treat them as pariahs.

  • Tatty

    Thank you Broken Promises,

    The person I am talking about was in for about 12 years, I understand a MS, time time out lasted for more then 2 years. What about door to door and taking part in congress and other similar things - is it allowed in this situation?

    Thank you

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Before they could go out witnessing with the congregation they would have to meet with the elders who take it upon themselves to determine his/her "spirituality". They might decide that a local elder might "study the Bible" (really it's just the JW publications) to make sure he's up to date on the teachings and fully believes in it.

    They may want to observe him for a few months before he's allowed to go witnessing and give talks.

    Hope this helps.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The person should be very sure they have good reasons for wanting to attract the attention of the Elders, especially if they have managed to slip out under the radar without being shunned by their family, so far.

    If they are single, and have no JW family, they can just charge right in and do whatever they want without considering the consequences.

  • Tatty

    Thank you for the answers.

    Black Sheep, I sent you PM earlier.

    I am a bit confussed. So, they can be inactive, but still allowed to communicate with other JW if they are not d/fed or shunned?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    So, they can be inactive, but still allowed to communicate with other JW if they are not d/fed or shunned?

    Technically yes, although some JWs become over-righteous and shun anyone who leaves.

    I've been inactive for over 10 years, but because I haven't been df'd nor da'd myself, my family can still talk to me.

  • Tatty

    Thank you again BP,

    That's interesting. The back ground story is - the close friend of mine did not see his daughter (JW) for the years he was inactive, explaining that it would be "bad" for her. Was it over-protection?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi Tatty

    It is quite clear that even though he is inactive, he is still a believer and he believes he is a danger to his daughter.

    You just about need a degree in a relevant branch of psychology to help him. It can be done, but only if he will talk to you.

    You have to trick him into seriously trying to answer your questions to save you, and you have to know the right questions, when to back off, how to recognize when he is subtly changing the subject and a whole raft of other tricks they use and what to do about them. Plus it could take years. You can't just tell them they are in a cult, you have to ask them the right questions to get them to tell you that.

    I don't have the patience or the personality for it. I've had a gutsfull of the slippery buggers and their double standards.


  • wobble

    Welcome dear Tatty to the best forum you could have chosen for advice on your problem !

    It strikes me that your friend had his "time out" for reasons, or actions, that the JW's would not approve of, not for any problem he has with belief.

    The thing is , that it is the beliefs he hold that need exposing as erroneous if you wish to see him free from what is in fact a high-controlling ( hundreds of rules) mind control cult. Don't identify it as any of that to him until he has left in his heart at least.

    First of all establish if he does believe it is what they call it "The Truth", this is chheky as in fact it was founded on, and is sustained by, lies. Does he believe the claim that it is "God's organization on earth" ?

    If he does then such a colossol claim deserves some colossol proof, the kind of proof that would stand up to the most harsh examination in a Court of Law.

    If perchance he does not believe it is true then major first on whatever his problem with it was, and then ask him to explain to you how they would prove that it is God's Org.

    It could be he is only going back in to re-connect eith his daughter, in which case you need to act fast to make sure he does not really get sucked back in.

    Please come hear for advice on any aspect, please listen to B>Sheep's advice, Chris is The Master at getting through if anybody can, despite his not wanting to put the time and effort in with individual JW's, whicjh is the way I feel.

    If you stick with him as aproject, we are here for you, and very very Good Luck !

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