Poster Vs. Person

by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Sometimes we treat people here like our friends and sometimes we treat them like crap. And we may often view them indifferently.

    I've often said here that I very much doubt some individuals would talk to me face to face like they do here. In this forum you can get away with a lot because I think we tend to view the people behind the keyboards as merely "posters" -- not REAL PERSONS. That's too bad.

    I know sometimes it's hard to differentiate between a poster and a person but it can be done.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have loved meeting many posters face-to-face. They have all been positive events.

    I think for a few "posters," I would be a bit more friendly in person. But that's not because I treat them different as a poster vs. a person. It's because a discussion forum allows for discussions and disagreements in more detail.

    Unless we met at a debate forum (and most of us aren't exactly Richard Dawkins vs. Ray Comfort) why would we sit down to coffee, beers, or a meal and tear each other apart over our differences? I meet posters to bond and celebrate our fellow feelings and empathy for each other.

    In my daily life, I virtually never discuss beliefs with Christians in a way to "debate" them. I say "virtually" because I am occasionally asked for an opinion from them, but generally don't see that such discussions really are enjoyable. But this is a discussion forum. When someone posts for discussion, why should they be upset that people actually discuss it and disagree with each other?

  • jgnat

    I strive for authenticity. The only big difference, I think, between my board life and real life is that I let loose my full vocabulary here. In real life, fancy words can be off-putting. I would say am more fearless on the internet in that sense, because board readers can take me or leave me as I am.

    The following board-isms minimus, are general observations, not directed in any way to you.

    From my long experience with board life, the more real you are, the better it gets. People have a nose for authenticity, and especially on the internet, where it can be a scarce commodity, it is very attractive.

    Don't post drunk.

    Post without regret, knowing that your words are to a world audience, and retrievable at any time.

  • minimus

    I agree. Unfortunately, some take a different persona when they can hide behind a computer. We should try to treat people as real rather than look for ways to bash them.

  • minimus
  • OnTheWayOut

    We can think like college kids should think before posting on Facebook. They may one day become the leaders in the world and their stupid drunken hazing party days will still exist in cyberspace if they post photos and videos of them.

    We may meet each other or our loved ones may one day come out and read our posts. We need to be responsible for what we say, knowing it will always be available to others to look at.

  • miseryloveselders

    I've often said here that I very much doubt some individuals would talk to me face to face like they do here. In this forum you can get away with a lot because I think we tend to view the people behind the keyboards as merely "posters" -- not REAL PERSONS. That's too bad.

    I know sometimes it's hard to differentiate between a poster and a person but it can be done.

    This post reminds me of people who are quick to throw up a middle finger at other drivers behind the safety of their locked car with windows rolled up. I've often thought to myself, there's quite a few people who don't realize how much of a blessing it is that I'm a JW. Believe me when I say it, there's quite a few people who I wouldn't have had a problem dumping their body where nobody can smell them if not for conscience. But that's a different story. There's definately some wreckless posters on this forum who conveniently hide behind the safety of a anonymous message board and IP Addresses. The stuff they pop off about in here, they wouldn't dream about speaking like that out in the open. I guess thats what makes the internet beautiful though right? You can be completely honest without repurcussions. On a personal note, I think its somewhat therapeutic too as I occasionally look at some of my old posts and am surprised that I hit the submit button. Can't deny it though that it was me, and it just exposes more flaws I need to work on I guess.

  • crapola

    Apples and Oranges..

    If you do it right..It`s Entertainment..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    Misery, you'll be ok.....just be smart.

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