Bad Camping Trip
by Perry 17 Replies latest jw friends
That would suck wouldn't it? LOL . Sheesh, look at the head on that devil! Reminds me of a girl I used to date.......Ever see the movie Prophecy? It's a B-Movie about a mutated radioactive bear, which will probably happen here someday when we get hit with an earthquake and have our own Chernobyl or Japan. This scene always made me laugh. Check out the kid in the sleeping bag.
Grizzly is another crazy bear movie. I haven't seen this one since I was a teenager. I seem to recall it coming on late at night on channel USA with Gilbert Godfry and Rhonda's Up All Night, or something like that. My memory isn't what it used to be. I think at the end of this movie, they killed the bear with missle or rocket launcher or something, I can't remember.
See? Now, I wanted to go on a camping trip with my BF this coming fall, but y'all ruined it for me...thanks a heap! LMAO
Apparently this is a real photo. Google bear enters tent > images, for some really nasty results if you are up for it
I went on a vacation from Hell in nineteen eighty-three with wife and three kids to Yosemite Park.
We climbed (forever and ever) up the side of Half Dome to see the Falls from the top.
After an exhausting climb we reached the summit and put off all our backpacks on a rock near some trees and walked over to the edge
of the cliff to see the raging torrents fall and smell the fresh air.
"Look--a bear"......
A mamma brown bear came ambling out of the woods and proceeded to ravish our backpacks. We'd left trailmix inside.
When the bear reached for the backpack with our money it-----I apparently completely lost my mind.
I picked up a stick and walked over to the bear and started POKING IT IN THE CHEST.
I don't know why I did this. And, I would never blame anybody for not believing me. I wish I didn't believe me.
I remember hearing my kids screaming frantically in anticipation of seeing their father become a pile of goo.
The bear (which up to that moment didn't seem all that big) stood up and revealed itself to be every bit as tall as I am.
Unfortunately I am six feet four inches.
The bear adopted the classic paws in front with claws extended stance and began waddling toward me.
Naturally I kept poking it with my stick.
I was being backed toward the edge of the cliff where the falls roared and raged and where my family screamed and hollered bloody murder.
A friend of my wife's, as I recall, was taking pictures of all this.
Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I thought something like: "At least this will make all the newspapers in the world. Headlines: IDIOT MAULED BY BEAR IN YOSEMITE WHILE FAMILY LOOKS ON IN HORROR."
About the time there was nothing left behind but a few feet of turf and a lot of space to fall (and fall and fall)..... some little cubs ran out of the woods back toward
where the backpacks had been.
The mamma bear swung her head back and looked at them scampering about way back there.
Quickly, instantly, suddenly she dropped her front paws and wheeled in a circled an practically galloped back to join the cubs.
Off into the trees they disappeared as though they had never been there at all.
I dropped my stick.
The kids wailed giant salty tears and my wife looked at me like I needed a jacket that tied behind my back.
All the way back down that trail my heart pounded and the reality of what happened began to hit me.
To this day I have no idea why I thought poking a bear with a stick would discouraged it from eating the trailmix.....or me.
The photos came back. I was very anxious to see my "heroic" exploit revealed for posterity.
The friend had snapped pictures of me and the stick and the stick and the bear. BUT NOT IN THE SAME SHOT.
I'm still crestfallen to this day. What a great photo that would have made.
Yes, I'm an idiot.
Bears are my only concern about camping in Tahoe.
I must one sick SOB because when all that goose down came out of that sleeping bag I laughed my ass off. Hilarious!
Here ya go. Get your pic and fire up photoshop.