I was terrible at prayers. It was hard for me to talk to someone I can't see or hear. Someone who may or may not be there. Everyone else put their heads down at the dinner table so I needed to do the same or I'll look suspicious. I did it and just counted to 30 in my head to make it look like a prayer. This one time it was so embarassing cause the waitress comes to us (a table full of JWs) and we all have our heads down. Like we all fell asleep or something. It must've been an eerie feeling for her while it was an akward and embarassing feeling for me. It was even worse when they asked me to do a public prayer out loud! It was like one of those "Need a moment?" Twix commercials.
Did you fake a prayer at the dinner table?
by fade_away 16 Replies latest jw experiences
jean-luc picard
Its been so long since I said a prayer. I remember that it seemed really strange the first time I ate at my mums and didnt say a prayer. I was a little afraid of what she was going to say, but she didnt say a word.
No doubt she spent the evening praying for me though.
Yeah - I did that too!!!!
I could never understand what it meant to get God's blessing before we had a meal. I could understand saying thankyou, but what does ak God's blessing on a meal mean?
I was also against praying in public like at a restaurant. I felt that should be saved for when you are at home. After all that is actually what Jesus said. I seem to remember he said not to make a showy display of prayer
I always thought of it as a waste of time. Praying before eating, especially in public, makes one look like a dork. And especially if they are praying to Jehovah, not Jesus or the Lord (which at least is more mainstream, if still a bit excessive). I never did it when there were no other witlesses at home, since it was a total waste.
i never pray at a meal...and the food still tastes the exact same.....oompa
In a restaurant we usually said a silent prayer..Some that usually went overborad or were classed as a "Fanatic" usually insisted they pray out loud to "give a witness". Used to make me crings.
I knew those other people weren't impressed..just thought what a bunch of nuts!Snoozy
Band on the Run
God knows what it is in our hearts. I don't he cares about correct punctuation and phrases. I think it is sad we no longer ask for God's blessing before a meal. It integrated God into our daily lives. We could not exist without God. =if you believe. I am now Episcopalian. They have a prayer book, The Book of Common Prayer, their main document. The prayers are so beautiful and appropriate. I can't imagine God cares whether you used a packaged prayer or a free form one. Sincerity should be the criterion. One can be just as bored and far away making up a prayer. I recall sitting through very long, tortured prayers. Mouthing off should not count with God.
In fact, this bothers me into Twelve Step groups when people prayer. I always have a mental outline. Other people are involved. When people demand to share and then just umm, ummm, because they gave it no thought, I get hyper. The brothers never seemed to have an outline of key thoughts or concepts or petitions.
Language must not sway God. Language can be achingly beautiful and spiritual. Why not offer this God? With the Witnesses, so much is the more ignorant, less thought out, shabby, the better.
Prayers used to worry me on the one hand they had to be personal and meaningful but then JWs stated that prayers should follow specific formulas that some things were acceptable and other things were not. JWs from the rank and file are constantly distanced from God so it was incredibly difficult to approach prayer it was like playing chinese whispers.
In restaurants I hated it when people made a big show of praying just to make a point and draw attention to themselves. I have no problem with sincere expression but I do not believe JWs are in general capable of it. It never occured to me to fake a prayer you either did a silent prayer or let it pass.
Yes, I recall having faked it a time or two.