Is there a new "full court press" to bring back "lost ones"?

by tenyearsafter 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tenyearsafter

    wasblind...hasn't the message always been "terror filled'?

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    and that the door to the Ark will be closing soon.

    Another false JW teaching to chase you in, prematurely. Revelation makes it clear that the door to the ark stays open during the Great Tribulation, before Armagedon. The opportunity to repent continues after the JWs' false doctrine of abrupt closure.

    See Rev. 9:20,21.

    Ray Franz claimed they regularly use such tactics to drive up membership when they are low on funds.

  • wasblind

    " wasblind...hasn't the message always been "terror filled'? "

    Yes sireee, Tenyearsafter

    It's ashame to go through life that way, even Jesus said

    do not get terrified.

    It would be somethin' If God where to say: all those who

    didn't enjoy the first gift I gave you, won't get another one

    wouldn't that be somethin?????? Just the fact that we are alive

    now is truly a gift. But I'm glad God wouldn't put a stipulation like

    that on us , cause some people can't help the situations they are in


  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    I agree with Outlaw, you're probably on someone's radar. It also could be that more are auxiliary pioneering this month because of the reduced hour requirements (only 30).They need something to do to ease their conscience that they are actually accomplishing the preaching work. So they put you on their radar.

    As for the UN, a large part of the reason for their existence is to promote peace in the world and do all they can to ensure security.

    Have any of the prophecies of the WT come true in their 130 year history? Why would you believe them now?

    Reopened Mind

  • LV101

    it's a business/membership drive --- perhaps the funds are low w/the economy and they need bodies for dollars. of course the brainwashed members are spouting off the scare tactics to get their friends/loved ones back but the good ole boys at the top can't scream out for more moolah so it's thusly cloaked in fear tactics.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    not me I think I was labled not just DA but apostate so i have no hope what so ever! And I thank God for that

  • tenyearsafter

    Reopened Mind...I guess there is always "hope" for even the most "lost" of the JW sheep!

  • the max
    the max

    Unless there have been some new changes, I thought the UN had to rule as a King for 1 hour,this clearly has not happend, its NATO thats dealing with Libiya and Afghanistan, also although it is tragic in Japan where an estimated 25,000 lost their lives in the Tsunami, remember when the RAF bombed Dresden in WW2,in 1 night, an est 70,000 were burned alive in 1 night, in a war were 50million perished in Russia alone, so lets keep things in perspective, whats happening now in the world is trivial,24 hour news chanels, internet ect gives these relatively minor events greatly enhanced impact, I could give countless examples such as when the yanks nuked Japan, so I,d take a chill pill re current events. Next I have no probs running to Jehovah,it,s running back to WTS thats the problem, Whist I understand people feel a need to belong ,and a need to serve Jehovah, do you really want to participate in voluntry enslavement again ? the false teachings, falce prophecy,s lies deceipt,child molesting Goerning body members, who dont even get DF,d not to mention the societys million dollor payouts to victims of child abuse with the gagging orders which greatly minimise the publicity regarding these events.Do you think Jesus would autherise these seceret payouts whilst protecting the scum who attacked these kids, I dont, what do you think ?

  • blondie

    Tis the season to "invite" inactive, da'd and df'd to the Memorial, the holiest day in the jw calendar.

  • Ding

    If they want people back, why do they take 4 years to reinstate people who are trying to come back in?

    And what's with "true peace and security"? A month ago, they were all excited by all the unrest in the Muslim countries.

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