Lost Legitimate Opportunities For Love

by PublishingCult 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PublishingCult
    It would be effed up of me to commit to a JW female, when my heart isn't necessarily into worshiping the faithful and discreet slave.

    Indeed, being of an apostate mind and leading a JW sister on would be a lot like marrying a woman to cover up and supress homosexuality. Unless you can convince her to invite another fella into the bed, you are going to be one frustrated mo. In other words, unless you can be upfront with her and tell her how you really feel on the very very off and unlikely chance she will be open-minded and see things your way and follow you happily out of the org, you have the potential to mess up a perfectly good woman's life, not to mention your own.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    HA! It's the story of my life. If you're female and not married by the time you're 22, you're toast in the JW world.

    Ignored by the JW guys, while non-JW guys at least acknowledged my presence.

    I'm over 40 now, probably won't ever have kids, and quite frankly, I'm over the dating scene. If someone comes along, fine, but otherwise I don't care anymore.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Confession: I hear the chorus of "All Out of Love" by Air Supply everytime I see the title of this thread.

  • d

    I was 12 back in 2002-2003 and a girl at my school asked me out. I told her, I could not date her because I was a JW.I still feel regret saying no. Confronting members of the opposite sex is still weird for me and I'm 20 yrs old.

  • NomadSoul

    Lost legitimate Opportunities for Love? Nah I think I got that handled on my own. lol

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    I was lucky if a girl acknowledged my existence instead of mistaking me for a coat rack and hanging her jacket on me.

    But I would always play it off like, "I'm putting Jehovah first!"

    I only "put Jehovah first" because that was my only option. Finally, years later when the first girl undid her bra in the back seat, all that "Kingdom first" stuff went flying out the window with my virginity.

  • Magwitch

    I was madly in love with a boy in my Junior class. We secretly dated for awhile - I was sure he was the one and only. Well my parents up and moved to Colorado, with me in tow. He visited me once and then we lost track of each other. We connected on Facebook about a month ago (28 years have passed). He looks about 400 pounds, unshaven wearing some dirty sweaty baseball cap that says "No Sweat" on it. He looked like something straight off of Hee Haw (and not in a good way). I nearly lost my cookies when I saw the pictures of him.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    You people talk about love and... beauty.... but if you asked me you wouldn't know real love if it was outside in the parking lot waiting to give you hepatitis. Which it will be ten minutes from now. Good day to you all.*

    *Borrowed from Will Ferrell skit on SNL.

  • sweetrose74

    Yes I did shun attempts from so called "worldly" boys. Sad thing was I was even encouraged to shun attempts from JW boys who were so called "bad association." Also had JW good boys who were interested in me told by their parents because I wasn't from a good JW family (you know both parents active witnesses) they shouldn't date me. The whole dating thing as a witness is a joke anyways. You are not really able to get to know a potential mate before marriage if you adhere to the strict dating protocol. How do you really get to know someone when your always chaperaoned? And I'm not even talking about sex I'm just talking about you really can only get to know someone's true feelings if your not allowed to be one on one. I also agree if your over like 22 in the organization and not married good luck finding a "suitable" mate.

    Guess you can say this is a sore subject for me.

    So lost opportunities yeah. I can think of one I have much regret over thankfully we've salvaged a very good friendship out of it though.

  • dgp


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