Do you fear Armageddon as a child? Me personally not so much, then 9/11 happend and things started to change and I started getting scared of it. How about you? any stories.
Armageddon fears
by d 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
As a child I was utterly terrified of the Big A. I believed it. Fortunately, I grew up and realized that I had been told porky pies all my life. No fear whatsoever since. My higher level primate cognition seems to keep my limbic system in check. No fear!
I lived in constant fear of it. It was terrible.
As a child, I was very afraid of it. But I grew up and found out those who perpetrated the fear upon me had lied to me. I am no longer afraid.
Isn't funny how the WT told everbody that believing in Santa Clause was telling your children a lie. A person who was nice and happy and gave you gifts was bad. But believing in Armageddon were everbody gets killed is OK and something we should look forward to. It's amazing all us born-ins have not gone out and hang ourselves. It's a CULT. It makes me so damm mad what they have done to all those children. Totally ADD
jean-luc picard
I was more afraid of the persecussion that I was assured I would have to face, before the bigA.
Finger nails being ripped out, and things they could do with a red hot poker, are very frightenning for a child.
Lunatic Faith
Yeah, the Great Trib. is what scared me. I could always imagine the most diabolical means of torture that would be used to "break my integrity". Beatings, spiders, bamboo slivers under the fingernails, rape, tongue cut out, etc.
Other than that, the thing that scared me was the post millennial test, when Satan is let out again and all perfect mankind gets tested one last time. I just knew I was stupid enough to make it through Armageddon and then get all arrogant once I am perfect and turn to the dark side. I never have had much faith in my own loyalty.
Yup i was terrified. I had the violent nightmares, night terrors, anxiety levels that were constantly on red alert, nausea, tremors....
No wonder there are soo many damaged born ins.
I fear global warming.
I lived real Armageddon in my home everyday. I looked forward to the time when badness ended and I would be safe. I felt God was good to us and it was humans that were deceptive as to their actions. Thinking of God separate of the actions of bad jws probably kept me in the organization longer than was healthy.