I hate these articles, but at the same time I'm glad they exist because it reveals the concerns that the powers that be in WT land are concerned with. These bulletpoints are especially curious. I love how they define what the criteria is to be with no other point of view other than their own. They're correct in their understanding, well because they said they were, and thats good enough for them.
How can his organization be identified? Consider the following criteria.
1. True Christians are organized to accomplish a work. (Matt 24:14; 1 Tim 2:3, 4) Jesus commmanded his followers to preach the Kingdom good news to all nations, a task that would be impossible without and international organization. To illustrate, you can easily feed one person on your own, but if you have to feed many thousands, even millions, you will need a well-organized group of people whose efforts are coordinated. In fulfilling their commission, true Christians serve "shoulder to shoulder," or "cooperate in [God's] service." (Zephaniah 3:9; Byington) Would a multinational, multilingual, multiracial work be possible without a unified, harmonious organization? The answer is obvious.
2. True Christians are organized to support and encourage one another. A lone mountaineer can decide where he wants to climb, and he does not have to look after less experienced climbers. However, if he as an accident or gets into difficulty, he will be in serious danger, as there will be no one to assist him. Isolating oneself is truly unwise. (Proverbs 18:1) For Christians to carry out Jesus' command, they must help and support one another. (Matthew 28:19, 20) The Christian congregation provides much-needed Biblical instruction, training, and encouragement for all to keep going and not to give up. Where would one go to be instructed in Jehovah's ways if there were no organized Christian meetings for instruction and worship?- Hebrews 10:24, 25.
3. True Christians are organized to serve God in unity. As Jesus' sheep listen to his voice, they become "one flock" under his leadership. (John 10:16) They are not scattered among independent churches and groups; nor are they divided over doctrinal matters. Rather, they all "speak in agreement." (1 Cor 1:10) To dwell in unity, we need order, and order requires organization. Only a unified brotherhood can have God's blessing.- Psalm 133:1, 3.
Genuine love for God and love for Bible truth have drawn millions to an organization that meets these and other Biblical criteria. As an organized and unified body of people, Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide endeavor to do God's will. They are assured of his promise: "I shall reside among them and walk among them, and I shall be their god, and they will be my people." (2 Cor 6:16) This wonderful blesing can be yours too if you worship Jehovah God with his organization.