LOL Falcon!! That really is life at a young age too right?
Mr. Falcon Asks......What's so bad about boxing?
by Mr. Falcon 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
keyser soze
hey keyser, you can get an emulator for your computer for free. Play Punch-Out and see if you still "got it."
I haven't played in years, but I'm pretty sure I can still beat "Glass" Joe.
Mr. Falcon
That really is life at a young age too right?
that being raised a JW, my friend.
Re: the video of Ali's final punch that knocked out Foreman: Man, that never fails to give me goosebumps.
Whenever I'm facing hard times or long odds in life, I just think to myself, "Ali in Zaire, Ali in Zaire."
I only boxed once in my life. I guess I was about 13 or 14 years old, and one of the neighborhood boys got boxing gloves for Christmas. A bunch of us met down at his house one day after school and set up a match out in the yard. The kid I boxed was about my age and size. We were doing standard 3 minute rounds with 1 minute rest in between. The first thing you notice is how tired your arms are after 2 minutes of holding up the gloves. The kid knocked me on my ass in the third round. It was embarassing and exhilarating!
Ever since, I've had nothing but respect for guys (and gals) who get in the ring and put it on the line.
J. Hofer
the new elders book says something along the lines that someone who is boxing FOR MONEY should be reproved. wait a moment, i'll look it up.
36. I f a Christian took up professional boxing and refused to stop despite repeated counsel, judicial action would be apptopriate.-w81 7/1 pp. 30-31.
"professional boxing" is written in bold letters.
Mr. Falcon
thanks J. Hofer. So there's no mention about viewing boxing, either live or broadcasted?
J. Hofer
nope. not in the elders manual.
it may be "discouraged" (= forbidden) somewhere else though.
Deputy Dog
Mr. Falcon
"What's so bad about boxing?" Don King! He killed the sport.
I'm a huge MMA fan now. It's far more exciting.
Mr. Falcon
Don King!
hmmm.... good point.
My dad loved boxing even when he was an elder and former Bethelite. If they let brothers burn off testosterone, maybe they wouldn't have so much energy to go postal or beat their wives. Last week that "disater porn" site Jehovah's Witnesses, Vidoes, Tapes, and Illustrations page had a piece called "Call of Duty is it For Christians" Earthy Envoy a JW who I usually think is a royal douche wrote, 'if we don't meet gamers on their own ground how will we reach them' then he went on to say that those who read the Bible might think the Bible is violent. He's still a douche but that was classic! Just imagining JW's turning in COD service time made me laugh out loud! Mad props for that! Even an idiot can sometimes say something worthwhile. :D