May 15th WT - WT society uses Fear & Guilt to Prevent Materialism in JW's

by flipper 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Once again , I couldn't resist sharing this WT study article from this issue. It was just too good, or bad - depending on your perspective.

    You will see the use of fear and guilt in this information - laying it on Witnesses heavy as the title says " Christian Families - " Keep Ready " indicating Armageddon is so close - so don't get wrapped up in materialism.

    Right from the get-go in the 1st paragraph fear tactics are used . It states, " When the Son of man arrives in his glory and separates " people one from another " how will YOU and YOUR family fare " ? It continues heavy in paragraph 3 , " To be in a state of READINESS for Christ's coming, families must be careful not to get sidetracked from matters pertaining to true worship . They need to be on guard against being turned aside by DISTRACTIONS . " The bombardment continues in paragraph 4, " Rather than leading a life that is centered on material things and being consumed with TAKING CARE OF ONLY THE PHYSICAL NEEDS of the family, we keep our eye FOCUSED ON SPIRITUAL MATTERS. This means that we REMAIN CONTENT with our material provisions and give God's service the FIRST PLACE IN OUR LIFE. " That's a mouthful. Simple translation though : If you don't put meetings, field service & serving the WT society's agenda first ahead of providing for your family in a material way - Jesus may judge you unworthy at Armageddon and you WILL NOT be ready for his adverse judgement ! It's obvious here that the WT society is minimizing the taking care of one's family financially and emphasizing that Witnesses should first and foremost put kingdom, er WT society interests first and foremost ! Translation : WT society wants your life, time, assets, and financial support !

    Then to instill further GUILT into younger JW's concerning materialism it gives an example of an Ethiopian teenage Witness girl. It states, " She did so well in her schoolwork that upon completing her basic education, she was offered a scholarship for further education. Having her eye focused on serving Jehovah, however, she TURNED DOWN THE SCHOLARSHIP. Soon thereafter, she received a job offer that would pay her 3,000 euros a month - a high amount in comparison with the average wages in her country. But the girl's " eye " was set on pioneer service. She did NOT NEED TO CONSULT HER PARENTS to TURN DOWN the job. How did her parents feel on learning what their daughter had done ? Why, they REJOICED with her and told her HOW PROUD they were of her ! " With parents like that - who needs a bad economy ? Good gawd . Translation : Young Jehovah's Witnesses SHOULD NOT try to earn a good living or go to college - but live with JW mommy and daddy until they are 50 and regular pioneer ! In other words : stay a child and let Jehovah and the government provide materially for you ! Lovely. Exactly the message this is sending to young JW's. Twisted turds.

    Then the WT society cranks up the guilt & control one notch higher . In paragraph 7 & 8 it states, " Christian families should think seriously about the TIME and MONEY they spend on entertainment , recreation, and the aquisition of material things. " Then once again the WT strikes at the young people , it continues, " You young ones, do not believe all the world's advertising about consumer goods and thus make unreasonable demands for expensive brands of clothing or for other items. Exercise restraint. Also, think of how acquiring something will affect YOUR FAMILIES PREPAREDNESS for the COMING OF THE SON OF MAN. " Translation : If you take your TIME and MONEY away from us the WT society and go enjoy yourself with recreation, entertainment , and buying things it's wrong. Young people if you but things you won't be ready for Jesus to judge you at Armageddon - you'll be found unworthy and die.

    And then one last final shot to instill fear into the Witnesses in paragraph 18. It states, " The deteriorating world conditions that mark our day leave NO DOUBT that since 1914, Satan's wicked world has ENTERED ITS LAST DAYS. The storm clouds of Armageddon CANNOT be far-off. Soon it WILL be time for the Son of man to come to execute Jehovah's judgment on the ungodly. Should not that awareness AFFECT ( translation frighten) you and your family ? " Translation : God's going to destroy the wicked at ANY moment ! It should SCARE the Be-Jesus out of ALL you Witnesses ! So don't get materialistic or you will die too at Armageddon !

    Now, I'm exhausted from just writing this stuff. I can only imagine how Jehovah's Witnesses are feeling receiving this beat down. Man oh man. As always I wait with much eager anticipation of your reactions to this fear inspiring mind control information ! Take care, hope you all are well


  • baltar447

    Jesus didn't attempt to motivate people with fear, why do his alleged "brothers" have to resport to it?

  • snowbird

    No one has the time or energy to pursue materialism.

    We're too busy trying to survive.

    This thread on the Ethiopian girl really nailed the WT as stupid and out of touch with reality.

    WT needs to give it a rest; they've lost it completely.


  • Nice_Dream

    I feel bad for the Witnesses who do take this advice to heart and don't have any retirement money and are struggling to make ends meet during their older years.

    It's also annoying to see the double standard at the hall, where the wealthy witnesses can be considered "spiritual" and "good examples" even though they are way flashier and materialistic than the average person in your city.

    One of my brother-in-laws was offered a job, but turned it down because he didn't want to be late for the Service Meeting. This kid can't keep a job, or get one, and really should have taken it. Guess who will have to move back home with Mom and Dad who are already struggling to make ends meet on a tiny pension?

    The WT gives great advice to keep you trapped in misery.

  • WingCommander


    Good review and highlights, as usual. Boy, you gotta love the absolute hypocrisy that is spewing from the Writing Department upon the flock.

    For instance, when talking about the need to not have the latest material possessions, one could mention that:

    1.) The Governing Body Members were all recently issued iPads.

    2.) The CO's sure seem to have nice cars AND cable TV!!

    3.) If "The End" is right around the corner, then why sell off real estate in Brooklyn, and upgrade other facilities in Canada?

    Also, when confronted with the fact the flock are worrying too much about PHYSICAL DISTRACTIONS, one could bring up the fact that:

    1.) If this is the case, why is a multi-million dollar Recreation Facilty being build and remodeled at Walkill (also known as The Farm) containing numerous sporting venues like full-court basketball, tennis, pools, etc? That's millions of DONATED, JW member money by the way!! Gee, I thought sports promoted a "spirit of competiveness?" I mean hell, that's what was cast up to all of us young JW kids growing up whenever we asked to be on the school baseball, football, soccer, golf, swimming, basketball, or track teams? Also, we were advised not have gym or health club memberships because of it being "vain" and it taking away precious time from the "Field Ministry"?

    Apparently, what's good for the goose, is NOT good for the gander, or in even simpler language, "Do as we say, NOT as we do." This article is absolutely disgusting based upon just the few highlights I've mentioned above, and is blatantly hypocritical. If I were sitting in the WT "Study", there is no way I could NOT raise my hand and mention these items.

    The unbelievable gual that these bastards put forth as "spiritual food" is enough to make me vomit!!!

    - Wing Commander

  • baltar447

    ROFL, if that's true about them all getting iPads, after that convention from a couple years ago... They are so full of it!

  • stapler99

    I swear the Watchtower publications have turned into a parody of themselves. Every time I see a thread with a month name followed by "15th WT", I know I am going to see something ridiculous.

  • TotallyADD

    Talk to my brother on the phone today. He must have just read this WT. As he said the world is so bad before you know it. It will go upside down and the pople will wonder whats going on. The Big A is just around the corner. I can't believe and man who thinks he is so smart can not see through this crap. Again all is is recyled writings from the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000-2010 and beyond. Everybody is unset with the gym at Walkill. No one talks about the expensive gym in the Adam's buildings. It something else also. If I listen to this crap I would still be living in my first place a 12x60 mobile home my wife and I bought back in 1975. Yes NO DOUBT since 1914 the WT does not have a clue what it is to live in the real world. Totally ADD

  • VampireDCLXV
    Then to instill further GUILT into younger JW's concerning materialism it gives an example of an Ethiopian teenage Witness girl. It states, " She did so well in her schoolwork that upon completing her basic education, she was offered a scholarship for further education. Having her eye focused on serving Jehovah, however, she TURNED DOWN THE SCHOLARSHIP. Soon thereafter, she received a job offer that would pay her 3,000 euros a month - a high amount in comparison with the average wages in her country. But the girl's " eye " was set on pioneer service. She did NOT NEED TO CONSULT HER PARENTS to TURN DOWN the job. How did her parents feel on learning what their daughter had done ? Why, they REJOICED with her and told her HOW PROUD they were of her ! " With parents like that - who needs a bad economy ?

    Greetings flipper!

    I think it should be noted that this particular story cited in this article has already been reported on here on JWN a few weeks ago. What's hilarious is that this story was then shot to pieces for it's inconsistencies and outright lies in the thread it was posted on. I find it hilarious that the WTS builds it case on ridiculous fabrications like this. Can anything they say be believed anymore?


  • flipper

    BALTAR 447- Indeed Jesus didn't seem to use fear to control his disciples. Of course- the WT society alleged faithful slave THINKS they are God so maybe they have the fear tactic justified in their own mind. Doesn't make it right though.

    SNOWBIRD- Thanks for the link . Didn't realize it had been posted . Yeah, people are exhausted just surviving ! Now they beat JW's up over wanting more ? Weird.

    NICE_DREAM- I feel badly for JW's who didn't save money through the years either ! It's really sad as they were told not to worry- the Paradise would be here. Wouldn't need money. And yes, I remember seeing hypocrisy inside congregations with wealthy JW's back slapping each other, yet an older couple sitting in a corner would be in need at the same kingdom hall. Such incongruity. Too bad your brother in law didn't take that job. WT society DOES want to keep members down and out .

    WING COMMANDER- Great points you make ! Isn't it amazing the hypocrisy in the leaders of the WT society doing the " do as we say, not as we do " thing ? I saw that my entire life as a JW for 44 years ! Constantly. I feel sorry for all the Witnesses that have donated for what they think is " advancing kingdom work " when it's going to help build a sports complex and relaxation for Bethelites. Yet the rank and file JW's are told : they CAN'T relax. Jerk off GB .

    STAPLER 99- True. The information they are presenting just keeps getting more and more bizarre and makes for great satire and parody for sure. One reason I keep trying to pump these threads out to wake up JW's who may be sitting on the fence !

    TOTALLY ADD - I too have a brother who is still inside the Witnesses like yours. Isn't it incredible they can still buy into this pipedream ? But they are mind controlled. WT society has been dangling the carrot of Armageddon infront of Witnesses nose now for 132 years since 1879. I'd say the carrot is pretty rotten at this point. I'm glad to hear people are upset about the Bethel sports complex. They should be.

    VAMPIRE - Hey guy, how are ya doing ? Thanks for the heads up ! I wasn't aware the Ethiopian experience was related already. Thanks for telling me. WT society definitely cannot be elieved anymore . They've shot themselves in the foot so many times now it's crazy ! I feel sorry for the rank and file Witnesses. They are so deceived


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