Rick is the Jerry Springer of conference calls.
All out pandemonium breaks out on The Six Screens Conference call... Guest Barbara Anderson and Johnny the Bethelite.
by koolaid-man 236 Replies latest jw friends
Don't fuck with me by implying I'm a loser and you are a winner in the ex-dub world. You are a silly man to compare your accomplishments with anyone, including the Pillsbury Dough Boy, let alone mine.
Farkel, I have to disagree. Rick is a celebrity of the ex-dub world.
As in a Flavor Flav-style hype man, but still, don't be hatin'. You know you want to be Rick.
LOL! I loved that one!
Farkel, you have a pm
For two old farts like Farkel and I (and Outlaw, well he is just a fart not so sure about the old part) to come out and so publicly denounce this whole scheme should be rather telling.
No I am not comparing myself to Farkel as that would be demeaning to his past efforts, experiences and research. I am best compared as as a flimsy supportive brace that once tried to focus or bridle the passion of Farkel's ex-JWism. I gave up on that effort LOL I still can't believe I tried to moderate Farkel, Jan, Kent, Norm, AlanF et al back in the day. I guess I am past my sado masochistic tendancies :)
Rick has allowed his desire for presence and making a difference to cloud his judgement. That is human. Intentional deciet of others is more evil imo. Hopefully Rick will figure this out.
Farkel - What is it with ex-JW's named Rick anyway?!?!?!
I had to post to tell "Uzzah" -
BEST FREAKING JW handle ever! LOL :)
I'm surprised at your comments about me because I've always been a huge fan of you and your writings. I mean this.
Don't hug me or anything, though. I'm very fragile and I cry easily.
: I tried to moderate Farkel, Jan, Kent, Norm, AlanF et al back in the day
Yeah. That would be like trying to moderate the Earps at the OK Corral!
As you probably know, all those guys are friends of mine. In fact, I spoke for nearly an hour with viking Norm not that long ago. He is happily retired and still doing his thing as an expert witness in the dub child custody cases in Norway. I just got AlanFs number from another friend. He's in New England now. I've been meaning to give him a call, but out of respect, I know he's pretty much done with the white hat and cape. He was a warrior long enough and his contributions are legendary. I'm probably his biggest fan. But Alan has poor judgment because he is a fan of mine. It would break his heart to tell him what an idiot I really am.
I know Barb keeps in touch with Alan because he has been a friend of hers since he was a kid and she told me so, so maybe I should give him a call.
Don't underestimate yourself. Your contributions to the forums have been invaluable.
With regards to the "Ricks": heh, heh. Coincidence, methinks.