'Separate the wheat from the chaff' in 2011

by Gorbatchov 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    The april 2011 pioneer action of 30 hours is a kind of ' Separate the wheat from the chaff'.

    Think about it: 40 percent of our congregation is pioneering. The other half of the congregation has something to explain...

    I don't report hours for years. Although i'm not "too sensitive" it feels like "standing fully outside the group".

    Maybe this feeling is a right perception of what I am, "standing fully outside the group".

    But this "drifting apart" by this arrangement it is still confronting to me and opposite of Christian love.

  • sir82

    I don't know about the R&F, but I can definitely think so with regard to elders & MS.

    It will be interesting to see what the CO says about the elders & MS from our congregation who did not sign up. I can easily imagine our current CO demanding a reason, out loud, in front of the whole group in the Friday night meeting, for those who did not sign up.

  • miseryloveselders

    It's a cull.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    It's a cull.


  • insearchoftruth

    I would not be the least bit surprised if at some time in the future the WTS pulled back and pretty much just kept the hardliners, those who when told by the WTS to do something will blindly follow and just go do.

    Have not read much about it as of late, but seems like a WT compound is all but in the works in upstate NY as the WTS is slowly leaving Brooklyn. The model of making money distribution of magazines really does not seem to be working like it once was, very few converts and the folks that are JWs are for the most part born ins, so demographically not all that well off.

    It may just be a cull, if you can not give the organization 30 hours in a month why should the organization provide anything to you.....

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    *stands proudly in the chaff section*

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I agree that it could be a cull (especially for the ms & elders) but just can't understand the reasoning if that's the case. They have such a shortage of ms & elders that you'd think they wouldn't want to risk the loyalty test. But maybe the lack of commitment by some of those guys bothers leadership so much that they'd rather do more with less? I just don't seem them planning things out that far. But, I'll bet every cent I have that Sir82's comment about forcing those who didn't aux pioneer explain to the rest of the body during the Friday evening meeting exactly why they couldn't do it. I sure don't miss those meetings!

    Part of me thinks its just an effort to push the numbers up. Maybe they're hoping that the momentum will carry forward into the next several months. Really, I don't see them having enough forthought to actually plan a cull.

  • pirata

    (pirata buys some time by aux pioneering in April)

  • sir82
    I agree that it could be a cull (especially for the ms & elders) but just can't understand the reasoning if that's the case. They have such a shortage of ms & elders that you'd think they wouldn't want to risk the loyalty test. But maybe the lack of commitment by some of those guys bothers leadership so much that they'd rather do more with less?

    Our current CO spent some time with the Service Department before his CO stint.

    If he is any indication, the Service Department views most elders with at least disdain, if not outright contempt. "Why can't they just do what we say, the way we say it?"

    I think they'd very much like to clear the "deadwood" out, knowing that the braindead-but-loyal survivors would gladly work harder to make up the slack.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I'm certain Service has a very low opinion of the local elders in general. The old guys I've spoken to up there were usually condescending and sometimes short to the point of being rude. The letters to elders are written in the tone of an old school teacher scolding a class of 1st graders.

    I had a CO once who did duty there but he actually didn't think much of the Service Department (which is probably why he was back on the road in his 70s - punishment)!

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